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After what seemed like forever I pulled away from the kiss. I looked into Daryls eyes. He looked confused and shocked and I felt the same. What in the world did I just do?  "Uhm- I should start.. banadge.. your.. Uhm- your wound-. I'm sorry- I.. I don't know- ...I'm lost."

"Yeah. You ain't the only one." He replied. I started to unwrap the roll of bandages. Daryl lifted his head slightly so I could reach and I started wrapping the bandage gently around his head.

It was quiet until I taped the bandage and Daryl flinched. "Are you okay? Is it to tight?" I asked. "'M fine. Just hurts like hell when you get shot." He replied.

"I know." 

"How do you know that?"

"Logic. Plus in case you forgot I was in the army once. So I might've gotten shot once or twice. I said that like half an hour ago. I mean, the fact that I was in the army not the.. getting shot thing."

"My head got hit. Don't blame me for not rembering somentin'."

"I'm not blaming you. I'm blaming Andrea. I mean we told her not to shoot and that bitch still did."

"She ain't a bitch."

"Yeah, she is. She's selfish and never helps out. Always nagging about her gun and just not listening to any of us. We told her to stand down and she shot you. She shot you." I told him with an angry tone, "She always thinks she can do whatever she wants and when something doesn't go her way, she blames it on us." Someone knocked on the door when I finished my sentence. 

"Come in." I said. It was Rick. "We're having dinner with everyone. Do you wanna come?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll be there in a minute." I replied.

"Okay." Rick said and left closing the door behind him. I wish my parents could've done that when I was young. I turned back to Daryl. "Yeah, you're right." He returned to our previous conversation, "You should go eat though." He said changing the subject.

"Yeah. Will you be alright?" I asked

"Yes. I'll be fine. You go. I need to rest. With you I ain't gonna be able to do that." He replied

"Rude" I replied sarcastically. He rolled his eyes and turned around, grabbing the blanket on his while doing so. I stood up and hopped to the dining table. Did I for real just kiss him? What is wrong with me? I'm so stupid he doesn't even like me that way. Daryl sees me as a friend and nothing more. But what if-? No. No. Just going to eat now.

Everyone sat around the big table exept Glenn, Maggie, Beth and Jimmy. It was the 'kids' table. Everone ate in silence. It was nice food. We hadn't eaten a meal like this since forever. I kept giving Andrea angry looks. She didn't notice. It was a semi-akward atmosphere until Glenn decided to say something, "Does anybody know how to play guitar? Dale found a cool one. Somebody's got to know how to play."

"Otis did." Patricia said.

"Yes, and he was very good too." Hershel told us. I knew how to play, when I was 15. That was 20 years ago. I could play a little bit by muscle memory probably but I didn't like everyone looking at me. I'll grab the guitar later. If I have nothing to do. 

I saw Maggie passing something to Glenn in the corner of my eye. It was a piece of paper with a pen. I smiled gently as I knew immediatly what was on the paper. They were going to have a cozy night. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Hershel and Dale looked over to them aswell. They didn't say anything about it though.

When everyone was done with dinner I grabbed a plate for Daryl. Carol came over to me, "Need any help? I know what you're doing but its hard since you can't really get to him one one leg."

"I'll manage." I replied kindly.

"I'll take it to him. He isn't going t eat it. You can help him with that." She continued. 

"That's a good idea. I'll accept your offer." I said with a smile and hopped back to the dining table. Carol grabbed the plate and walked to Daryl's room. When she came back she told me to wait a couple minutes 'so I wouldn't be suspicious'. I smiled and did as she told me to. Lori sat down at the table as she came from the kitchen. "How's Carl doing? I haven't really seen him since the surgery." I asked her.

"Oh, he's good. He's just on bedrest. Rick is giving him dinner right now." She replied reliefed.

We talked about Carl a bit more and I got a cute story from when he was younger. He was painting and the paint fell on him and all his clothing was ruined. "I'm going to check in on Daryl. In other words, I'll probably have to feed him." I laughed. "That's your job." Lori said holding her hands up. I stood up and moved to Daryl's room. I got really tired of all the hopping I was doing. My balance skills were going up though.

As I opened the door to Daryl's room I saw an untouched plate. He had his back to the door and pretended to sleep. "Hi" I said wich caused him to turn and look at me. "Hi" He replied, "Why're you here?" 

"Check in on you, I guess. And feed you so it seems." I pointed to the plate full with food, "Move." I waved my hand


"Did I say, look at me empy and dumb? Move." As I said that Daryl carefully moved to the other side of the bed wich made room for me to sit down next to the plate. I sat with my back to the wall/door and the plate next to me on the bed. When I cut a couple pieces of meat I said, "Open your mouth." Daryl looked at me weird but when I didn't say anything he did as I asked. I put the fork in his mouth. "Close it and chew." He followed my instructions when I pulled the now empty fork out. "Why are you doin' this?" He asked me after he swallowed.

"Cuz you ain't gonna eat other wise, dumbass." I rolled my eyes, "What, you think I'm doing this because I want to?"

"Do you?" He asked. Did I want to? I didn't even know myself. I couldn't tell him that. Then he'd for sure know I like him. Wait, I already kissed him so he knows. Shit. Okay. You know what? Fuck it. "I don't- I don't know." I replied.

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