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As I drove I tried to call John to say I wasn't home anymore but he didn't pick up.

I turned on my radio to kill the silence. There was an emergency broadcast playing, no music.

As I got closer to Atlanta while halfly listening to the broadcast I saw a huge traffic jam on the road. I pressed my breakes slightly as a got closer. After a few minutes there was still no movement and a lot of people went out of their cars to see what was going on. I walked over aswell.

After a couple minutes of walking I came across two bikers. One of them had a crossbow on his back and the other had no weapons I could see. "Hey pretty girl" The one with no visible weapons said. "What do you want?" I asked him annoyed, this has happened so many times before. "The worlds to dangerous for a lonely pretty lady, why don't ye stick with us? We can protect you from all the nasty stuff" He said pursuasively. "No thank you" I replied with a sarcastic smile as I started to walk along with a small crowd towards the front of the traffic jam.

As I moved to the front of the traffic I saw a lot of crying people in their cars.

A little while later I saw 2 kids with their moms talking on the back of a fully loaded truck. The mother of the girl walked away to grab some things out of her car as, I think her husband, stopped her and they talked about something and she walked back to the other woman.

"Hello" I said kindly with a slight smile on my face as I got closer to them. "Hi" The mother of the little boy replied the with a small smile on her face aswell. "Are you here all alone? You can stay and talk with us if you'd like." She said quikly but with good intention, not like those other guys, afterwards. "Thank you, I'd like that very much." I replied as I didn't expect these people to do any harm.

"What's your name? Mine's Lori and this is my son Carl." The mother of the boy told me. "I'm Emris nice to meet you. May I know your name?" I asked the other woman. "Oh, I'm Carol, my daughter Sophia." She said with a smile as she put her hand on her daughters shoulder. "Nice to meet you Emris."

We talked for a little bit when a man walked over to Lori. He took her a few steps away after he greeted us. They talked about something but Carol and I continued our conversation.

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