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Emris' pov

"Where's Glenn?" I asked as I finished unhappily hugging everyone.

"He and Maggie are out looking for formula and food." Rick answered.

"All right." I said.

"Who's that?" I asked after I looked around a bit. There was a woman outside the cell block looking at us.

"Don't know that. She appeared at the fence with formula." Carl answered.

"Why does she know we need that? And where we are?" I asked. Everyone seemed to realize that maybe something happened to Glenn and Maggie.

We walked over to the common room, where the woman was, and Rick asked her how she found us and why she had baby formula.

"The supplies were dropped by a young Asian guy with a pretty girl." She answered. She wasn't lying, I could see it in her eyes. That meant that something happened to Glenn and Maggie.

"What happened to them? Where are they?" I desperately asked. I needed to know where my best friend and his girlfriend were.

"Were they attacked?" Hershel asked, also wanting to know where they were.

"They were taken." The woman answered.

"Taken? By who?" I asked.

"Same son of a bitch who shot me."

"Hey, there are our people." Rick started. "You tell us what happened now!" He pressed the gunshot wound on the woman.

"Don't you ever touch me again!" She threatened as she stood up.

"You better start talking." Daryl said with his crossbow pointed at her head. "You're gonna have a much bigger problem than a gunshot wound."

"Find them yourself." She said. I pushed the crossbow down and took it from Daryl. He let me do so. "Calm down." I whispered to him.

"You came here for a reason." Rick said.

The woman had to think of an answer, but found it. "There's a town. Woodbury. About seventy-five survivors. I think they were taken there."

"A whole town?"

"It's run by this guy who calls himself 'The Governor'. Pretty boy, charming, Jim Jones type."

"He got muscle?" Daryl asked.

"Paramilitary wannabes. They have armed sentries on every wall."

"Do you know a way in?" I asked.

"The place is secure from walkers, but we could slip our way through."

"How'd you know how to get here?" Rick asked.

"They mentioned a prison, said which direction it was in, said it was a straight shot."

"This is Hershel, the father of the girl who was taken. He'll take care of that." Rick said and we walked out, Hershel stayed.


"I need to go, Daryl. He's my best friend!" I said to him as he disagreed on me going to get Glenn and Maggie out of that town.

"You've almost died today! You need rest!" De replied

"No, I need to go get them. You can't force me to stay here!."

"Oh, I can. I'll tie you up to a chair, or a bed, could lock ye in your cell. Plenty of ways to force you to stay here."

"Oh, just shut up and let me come." I sighed annoyed. All Daryl did was sigh and step aside. We were in our cell. We decided to share it, since he wouldn't let me out of his sight anymore. Him stepping aside meant letting me come with them.

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