Chapter 3

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TW! Self harm? Kinda?

{Day 1}

Scar was way too tired to remember how he got back to his room but somehow he did. He was woken up by birds chirping next to his window. He looked out the window. It was an early morning, he was just in time for sunrise. Prince remembered how before the attack he would wake up very early just to see sunrise. It seemed magical, he imagined siting with his lover cuddling and drinking coffee or tea, watching sunrise or rather watching them. He never imagined a specific person in that spot, it was always only a silhouette of someone. Before that changing point in his life he liked to imagine how he met someone accidentally while going for a walk or in a coffee shop they accidentally ran into him and he fell in love with them. It was always something romantic. He liked to imagine how he would take them out for little dates, how they would run holding hands while moon shined on them, how they looked at each other, how beautiful they would look to him, how he would hold them close while slow dancing to silent melody.

Elf shook his head. He was getting way too lost in his mind again. He reached for his cane and stood up, did his normal mourning routine. He wanted to do something he hasn't done in a while, which was reading books. He looked through his personal library and found one book he hasn't seen in a while "F A D I N G" by flawsomekid . He remembered reading this book when he was very little back then he didn't understand it. Then he read it again after the attack and never picked it up again. It was way too much for him but today he felt awful and tears just wouldn't appear. Scar felt bad for wanting to be sad. It was very comforting for him, he liked being hurt but he swore he wouldn't tell this to anyone. One time he did and he regretted it for a long time.

Young prince started reading the book but not even 4 chapters in he was interrupted by a knock. "Yes?" "Good morning Scar, I wanted to wake you up but I see you're already up so-" "Can you please come in?" "Ah- yes. Sorry." Mumbo entered the room not forgetting to close the door behind him. "So as I was saying, prince Grian will be here soon and your fathers requested you to meet them in their office before prince comes." "Sure thing! We can go right away!" Scar always tried to act up-beat when he was around other people because he didn't want them worrying about him. 

He walked over to his wheelchair. "After yesterday my legs feel a bit jelly so I think it would be better not risk it." He sat down and wheeled out of his room, Mumbo following him. 

They reached the office. "Come in!" His dad must've heard them. Mumbo and prince entered the room. "I was told you wanted to see me." "Yes, yes. Mumbo could you?" "Oh...Ah- yes. Sorry." Mumbo left the office. "What's happening?" "We wanted to talk to you a little more privately. Prince Grian will be staying here for a month and I wanted to ask you if you'd like he would stay whith you?" "What do you mean whith me?" "Like in the same room. You would have to share a bed and bathroom." "No! Uh... no. Thank you." "Well then I'll let the maids know to prepare a room." His dad left the room.

"Please tell me you aren't doing it again..." Scar only looked down at his hands. "I-" He had no explanation why he was doing it again. At least not one he would like to say. "Sunshine..." Scar absolutely hated being sad infront of other people, he felt weak. But he simply couldn't hold it in anymore. Prince started sobbing. Big crystal tears were roling down his cheeks and into his hands. Tears burned his hands. His pa slowly huged him. "I'm-" "Shhhhh... calm down. I'll clean and patch you up. Okay?" Scar couldn't get a word out because of his crying, so he only nodded.

His pa cleaned his wounds and patched him up. By the time he finished Scar wasn't craying anymore. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for being such a bad son and prince." "Don't you dare speak about yourself like that! You're amazing, understanding, sweet and handsome boy. We love you and we wouldn't want anyone else." Elf puled his pa close. "Thank you. I love bothe of you too." After couple of seconds both of them pulled away. "Let's get going. Prince Grian must be almost here and we don't want to make him wait."


Hello !

-Ollie :]

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