Chapter 4

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{Day 1}

Before leaving the room he switched from a wheelchair to his cane. They walked towards the castle's gates. With every step, Scar felt his anxiety rise more and more. What if I'm not good enough? What if he won't like me?

He was brought back by the sound of a carriage coming closer. He made his best polite smile. The carriage stopped and Scar waited for prince Grian to come out.

But to Scar's surprise prince Grian's father also got out. Scar and Grian bowed to each other while their dads just nodded. "We are happy to welcome both of you into our kingdom." "It's our pleasure to come here." Elf's dad smiled. "Follow us. Scar will show Grian his room. And I with my husband will show you around." Scar looked confused at his pa. "It's your old bedroom sunshine." "Thank you." He turned to the avian prince. "Uh... follow me."

They walked past the kings and into the castle. They walked up the stairs to the second floor, walked a bit more, and stopped in front of a gorgeous door. "Go in." Grian opened the door, looked around and first time smiled but it was fast to disappear. "Thank you, prince Ryan." "Please call me Scar." Scar wanted to get out of that room as fast as possible. Way too many bad memories. "Um... so... I will tell Cleo to bring your luggage in here. Feel at home!" He said while closing the door and going as far as possible from that room.

When he reached the stairs he slowed down. What do I do now? Probably should go back to my room or I could go to the garden. While walking down he overheard his dads talking "-will be amazing for our kingdoms!"  "Scar doesn't seem too happy about it." "I wasn't too happy when I had to marry you either but look where we are now! I wouldn't trade you or Scar for the world." "But-" "He'll come around eventually and then -" Scar didn't want to listen anymore. He simply turned around and took another pair of stairs that led straight into a garden.

Scar walked for a bit and reached the bushy part of the garden. There was a little old chair, he sat on it. Scar pulled out his notebook and a pen, he opened it, and started writing.

I will wear masks (by Joe Dirt)

In times of trouble and insanity,
I carry masks to disguise
the pain I carry,
secure behind my eyes.

I can never let out again
the mystery I hide.
To hell with my dignity,
to hell with my pride.

From this day forward,
and forevermore,
I will mount this mask
that will be my lore.

No reaching out when I am weak,
no solace will I seek.

When you look for answers,
when you say your prayers,
all you will see are masks,
and no pain that I bare.

He felt a little better after writing that. Then he re-read that and felt tears wanting to spill out, he quickly closed the book. That's enough for today. He quickly stood up. That was a mistake. He couldn't see anything and felt his knees going weak. He fell. He wasn't injured but felt that he will have a nasty bruise on his knees. Scar reached for his cane and stood up, cleaned a bit of dirt on his pants, and walked back towards the castle.

When he entered the castle he was met with a terrified Mumbo. When his helper saw him, he looked like an angry mother. "Where have you been?! I was searching for you! I thought that you- that-" Even tho Mumbo knew that there was maximum security he couldn't help but feel scared for the prince. After the last time, he should know to tell someone where he's going when he's not inside the castle. "I'm sorry for scaring you. I didn't realize how much time had passed." "And I'm sorry for shouting at you. Just after hearing what happened... I know you don't need a babysitter and I'm not trying to be one. I know I'm your helper but I'm also your friend you know. I'm just scared for you." "I know Mumbo. Now let's go. I don't want any more people being scared for no reason."


Um.... hi? I know this is not the longest chapter but... here you go.

-Ollie :]

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