Chapter 15

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{Day 4}

Even if Grian thought he would sleep the entire night, he fell asleep. When he woke up, he was in a euphoric state. Everything seemed so good and happy. Maybe Scar will ask me out?  Grian blushed but hoped it would become reality. He got out of bed and felt like singing and dancing, but he couldn't do either. You're awful! And don't forget that. Grian rolled his eyes at the thoughts. Nothing will be able to ruin his day. He won't let it happen. He walked towards his bathroom and stopped in front of a mirror. Grian looked at it and smiled confidently. "You're not going to stop me. Not today!" He walked off, but he didn't notice his reflection silently pleading not to do it. 

Grian showered and changed his clothes into new ones. Once again confidently looked at himself. That didn't mean that the thoughts have stopped. They only got worse, but Grian brushed them off and walked out.

He was hoping to meet Scar and talk to him today. He walked out of his room and bumped into someone. Grian looked up hoping to see emerald-green eyes, but he was met with chocolate brown ones instead and they looked terrified. Grian took a step back and looked at the person. It was Iskall. "I'm so sorry your highness." "It's okay. Really. I should've watched where I was going." "I- I wanted to wake you up but I see you're already up..." Grian nodded. "I am." "Breakfast is ready. Um... shall we go?" Grian wanted to invite Iskall and tell him all about his last night with the prince, but it seemed like the swede man wanted to get as far away as possible from him. Look. Not even he wants to be near you. Maybe you should- Grian shook his head and walked after Iskall, who was quite far away already. They walked in silence, and it was bugging Grian, so he broke the silence. "Did I do something?" Iskall didn't even acknowledge him. "Iskall?" He kept walking like the prince wasn't even there. "Iskall!" Iskall finally turned his head to look at the avian. "What?!"  Grian was taken aback. You little annoying brat. Look what have you done again. It's like Taurtis and Sam all over again... You messed everything up. Grian felt tears forming but he smiled. "I- I'm sorry for being annoying. I'll stop. I'll be better but please tell me what I did wrong. I'll- I'll fix it! I swear!" Tears were rolling down his rosy cheeks. Stop crying! You're making everything worse! He hates you now. 

Iskall wasn't sure what to do. Grian seemed lost in his head and Iskall started panicking. I- I can't touch him. He needs help! But- Scar... Fuck that man! Grian needs help! He'll get a panic attack! Help him you dumbshit! Iskall slowly approached Grian and hugged him while whispering comforting words for him. 

God! What has happened to you? Crying like some baby. Grow up! He asked a question. One simple question! And you had to be some wimp and begin crying! Man up! Grian felt someone hugging him and he was very grateful for it. He pressed that person with as much strength he had not wanting to let go, but he knew he had to. Grian let go but that person pulled him back into a hug. "I'm so sorry Grian. I've been so stressed lately... but I shouldn't have raised my voice. I'm sorry." Iskall finally let the avian go. Grian wiped his tears away. "I forgive you?" Iskall smiled. "Thank you. We should probably go back to your room, to get you cleaned up a bit." "Y- yeah." 

They slowly started to make their way to Grian's room. The prince cleaned up a bit and both of them once again made their way to the dining hall. As they entered kings smiled. "Fashionably late I see." "It's not like you can talk about being on the clock everywhere." The other king replied. "What do you mean?" "What I mean is that you're always late for everything you old rag." "I love you too." Both of the kings smiled and laughed. "Of course, I do." 

Iskall took his seat, Grian took his, but Scar wasn't there. Grian sighed sadly. I might still meet him today. Or he might be late, and I can talk to him after breakfast. Just like always, the breakfast was eaten in silence. Grian stood up, thanked them for his food, and walked out. He headed towards his room. Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. Taurtis...What's a Taurtis? I can show you. Grian immediately sat up. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Oh, you silly little thing... I'm in your head. I miss the old you... So powerful. So breath-taking. Soo... Untouchable... Who are you? You know my name Grian. Or should I call you - Every noise was cut off leaving Grian confused. Who was that?  

Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. Taurtis...What's a Taurtis? I can show you. Grian immediately sat up. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Oh, you silly little thing... I'm in your head. -werful.Soo... Unt-able... Who are you? You know my name Grian. Or should I- Who was that? 

Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. Taurtis...What's a Taurtis? I can show you. Grian immediately sat up. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Oh, you silly little thing... I'm in your head. -werful.Soo... Unt-able... Who are you? You know my name Xel-

Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. Taurtis...What's a Taurtis? I can show you. NO! SHUT- Grian immediately sat up. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Oh, you silly little thing... I'm in your head. -werful.Soo... Unt-able... Who are you? You know my name Xel-

Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. Taurtis...What's a Taurtis? I can show you. NO! SHUT- Grian immediately sat up. "Who are you? Show yourself!" Oh, you silly little thing... I'm in your head. I will tell them what you did! Who are you?

Grian laid on his bed and tried to relax but something kept bugging him at the back of his head. It felt like déjà vu like he's done this before.


HI! I know it's been some time... I'm very sorry :/ I got sick but I'm feeling better! So... here.

-Ollie :]

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