Chapter 11

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TW! Suicide


{Day 3}

Scar woke up in his room. There like always was darkness. How long has it been? Will he come to see me today? How long have I been here?  Scar opened his journal. There was normal stuff in the first pages but if you read long enough you can see when things changed. There was blood on the pages when he would cut his palms. After a while Scar wasn't sure when the day started or ended, there were no windows in the basement, so he lost track of dates. I'm really hungry. I hope he will come today. There was silence for a while, Scar simply looked through his notebook and started doodling some creature. 

After a couple of hours, Scar heard noises upstairs. Will he finally give me food? Maybe I'll even be allowed to shower? Elf heard shouting. Oh no... Is he drunk? I hope not. When he's drunk he punches more. It hurts. There was even more shouting to be heard. "Have you looked downstairs?" "No. Not yet, sir." "Then what are you doing?! To find the kid!" "Yes, sir!" Someone was going downstairs. Who is it? It can't be him. Is it one of his friends? I hope not... 

Someone began banging on the door. "Hello? Is someone here?" Scar remained quiet. It must be some trick of his. I promised. I will remain quiet. I don't want that... happening again. There was a loud crash. Scar quietly hid in the corner. There was nothing in his room to hide him. The person who broke the door stepped out. They were short yet muscular, he had short brown hair and golden piercings. His punches must hurt. The man looked around and saw the elf. "Hello, young man. We've been searching for you. Can I come close?" Scar remained quiet. He didn't trust anyone, even tho this man seemed sweet. The man sighed and pulled something out of his pocket. "I have a cookie. But I have to get closer to hand it to you." Why wouldn't he just drop it on the floor? I can pick it up. "Can I come closer? Please?" Scar nodded. Not because he trusted the man. No. He was just unbelievably hungry. The man came closer and slowly handed Scar the cookie. "Will you come with us? We need to get you home." What does he mean? This is home. Does this mean I can leave? Where will I go? 

"What's taking you so long?! Is prince here?" "Yes sir. I've found him." Someone else came down. He had blonde hair and armor. Why would he need armor?  "Hello prince. We've been searching for you. You can finally go home. Will you go with us?" Scar slowly nodded. "Let's go then." Scar was still sitting. "Let's go prince." Elf tried to stand up but he collapsed as soon as he tried to stand up. "He can't walk or stand." The man in armor came closer. "I'm not gonna let this stop us." Ans swooped prince in his hands, bridal style. It burns. It burns so much. Scar let out a scream and big tears began rolling down his eyes. "What's happening, sir?" The brown-haired man sounded panicked. "What's happening kid?" Scar wasn't able to speak because of the pain and because of thirst. "Hur- Hurts-" The man with armor changed position and now placed Scar's legs around his waist and his hands under the elf's tights. "Better?" It still hurt a lot but it was indeed better so Scar nodded.

Both the man began to climb the stairs. They were upstairs and when walking through the hallway Scar looked around the house, he was trapped in. All the rooms looked trashy and dirty but one room was even dirtier and that caught the elf's eye. He looked through the little gap that was left when someone didn't close the door. He saw something, he couldn't forget even till now. A man was hanging. That man was his torturer.


He learned that a couple of years later. He would never face justice and that angered Scar so much. But everything that was happening stressed Scar so much he began losing breath. Everything was sloppy and dark. He gave up. he couldn't hear anything. It was too much.

Scar once again opened his eyes. Nightmare. Just a nightmare. It's okay. He won't hurt me anymore. It's okay.  Scar calmed himself down. It's okay. Just breathe. It's okay. What hour is it? Scar looked at the clock that was on his table. 5 AM. How did I even get here? Wasn't I just in the dining hall?  I probably was so tired, that I didn't remember how I got here. Yeah... That must be it. 

Scar sat up and rubbed his eyes. What should I do now? I can't go back to sleep. Elf tried to imagine something nice and remembered his night with Grian. I wish I wouldn't do that. Maybe he would still like me. Maybe I would've had a chance to be loved by him... Now he thinks I'm a creep. 

Scar tried to imagine little romantic dates, just like the old times. But now there wasn't a silhouette but a real person. Grian. He was smiling. He's so pretty...  Scar was imagining little interaction in the Caffe. He was simply walking when someone bumped into him and spilled their coffee on him. He already knew who it would be. "Oh, my Notch. I'm so sorry. I should've watched where I was going. I'm so sorry." He looks stunning. Just like always. Scar smiled sweetly. "Hey, hey! It's okay. Don't worry. No one was hurt. I also should've watched where I was going. Let me repay you." Avian shook his head. "No, no. It's okay. I should go." "I insist." Are you sure?" Scar nodded. "What would you like?" "Just black coffee with oat milk, if that's okay." Scar took out his wallet and turned to the barista. "One black coffee with oat milk and also a cappuccino please." The barista nodded. "That will be 8.76" Scar handed the money. "It'll be ready shortly." 

They weren't sure what to say, the elf has never gone that far into his daydreams but Scar wanted to make this as perfect as possible so just standing awkwardly was a big no-no. "Do you come here often? I haven't seen you here." "No. It's my first time here. I'm visiting a friend." "Really? Who? It's a small town, after all, I might know them. If you don't mind me asking of course." "It's okay. I'm visiting Taurtis." "Who is talking about me?" Grian turned around. "Goodness me, Taurtis. You scared me." They hugged. "Your coffee is ready sir." Scar turned around and took the coffees. "Thank you." He turned back to avian and his friend, handed the coffee to Grian, and said: "I won't be bothering anymore. Hope to see you around. Bye." Scar left the coffee shop. 


Ello wonderful people! Trauma at its finest. Mhm... Trauma. Everyone loves it.

-Ollie :]

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