Chapter 25

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"Scar! Scar open the door! Please! Scar..." He drifted off to something that will last forever. Something that brought comfort and safety. 

Mumbo walked past Scar's door thinking about his father and mother. Would they be able to bring Grian back? Not for him, no. But for Scar. He was deep in thought when he heard a loud bang in Scar's room. He turned around worried. He hurried back to the hallway. 

"Scar? You okay in there, mate?" There was no sound. "Scar? Do you need help?" Mumbo tried to open the door, but it was locked. Scar never locked his doors, he was scared to be locked out again. This set off alerts in Mumbo's head. "Scar! Scar open the door! Please... Scar!" Once again there was nothing. 

The mustached man looked around, searching for something to break down the door, but there was nothing. Mumbo didn't think he could open up the door anyways. It was made out of magical wood that was resistant to almost anything, not to mention it was very thick. "Wait in there, Scar! I will be back!" He ran off to get help. 

The breeze and warmth made him confused. His senses were coming back to him little by little. The first thing that he felt was something so soft and hot, yet somehow cold and rough. It was a comforting feeling. The second sense was smell. He breathed in and felt dry air hit his nose. He finally opened his eyes and looked around. 

Everything here was so... yellow. And fragile, he felt if he touched anything the entire thing would fall apart. Scar sat up and noticed a note left on the table that was next to what he believed was a bed. He picked the note up and noticed neat but barely readable handwriting.

I went out to get some more supplies. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone!
-Your best bud 

Scar read the note over and over again, the handwriting seemed familiar but from where? He put the note back in its place and slowly stood up. Suddenly he felt something buzz in his left pants pocket. He pulled out a small hand-sized device, it had a small chat box and a keyboard. Scar looked at the gadget carefully from all sides, it was nothing special, just a light-grey colored rectangle. 

The man walked out of the room and began wandering around the place. He found a small window and looked outside, he noticed a forest not far away from where he is, but the creeping darkness kept him in this house or palace maybe, Scar wasn't sure what this place was. 

Nearly seconds later something caught his eye - a figure moving towards the building. From this far away Scar couldn't make out a lot, but he did notice a bright red piece of clothing covering the figure's body, it was hard not to, bright red definitely stood out in the yellow sand. The body was moving smoothly, it looked as if they were floating above the ground, torches on the ground made their shadow stretch. 

Scar felt a pang in his heart like it was calling out to the figure, but his mind was elsewhere, in a much darker place. He felt himself burning with hatred, the need to feel that figure's blood was enough to cloud his mind, but not enough to silence his heart. His heart was beating fast, it was full of softness and adoration. 

The figure was right next to the entrance and Scar went to greet them, something told him that they were safe and that they were his home. The figure took off its cloak and Scar looked at their face. He felt himself smiling at the sight of them. He knew they were beautiful even if he couldn't see their face. 

"Oh... Scar? Why are you up? I thought you would be sleeping. I hope I didn't wake you up." Their voice was laced with care and softness, it made his heart flutter. Scar chuckled. "Oh, don't worry! I just couldn't sleep." The figure in front of him walked past him and hung their cloak on a chair. "I brought you something." He pulled out a piece of wood. "Is that..?" The man laughed nervously. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't grab the full thing. It's huge!" Scar snickered under his breath. The figure turned at him, what Scar imagined was confusion. "What? What's so funny?" Scar took a deep breath in an attempt to control his laughter. "That's what she said." 

"I- Scar!" Scar held his hands up and backed away. "What? I didn't do anything." The man took a deep breath and put his hand on his forehead, Scar noticed how the man's hand blurred when it was close to his face. The figure itself seemed very much like... a memory? 

"That's it! I'm done! You're sleeping on the couch. For a week." Scar did his beat puppy face and pouted, "What? Then who will give me snuggles and keep me warm in these freezing and awful nights? Who will keep me safe from all the monsters?" The figure walked away from him. "I don't know... Should've thought before." 

"But-!" He was cut off. "No but's!" Scar snickered again. "Scar!" He just let his head down. "Sorry... Butt..." The man took a deep breath and sighed like a tired mom. "Just... Go to sleep, mate. Tomorrow we can go and take the rest of B's cookie." Scar smiled happily. And went somewhere that was supposed to resemble a living room. He went over to the couch and laid down. He felt a bit hurt about being exiled, but he made a fool proof plan!

"What are you doing here, Scar? Go to sleep." The figure turned their back to him. "But it's so cold there and the mobs are making so much noise, I can't sleep. Please..." The man turned at him and smiled, Scar was so sure his plan has worked. "Not. My. Problem. Goodbye." With that, the figure turned back around and Scar had to go back to his uncomfortable couch like a sad puppy. He laid down again and closed his eyes.

Scar wasn't sure how much time has passed, but he heard ruffling in the room next to him. Suddenly he heard a voice call him, "Scar? Are you asleep?" He sat up and looked at the man. "Come here, you big baby." With that, the figure took his hand and let him to their bedroom. "Couldn't sleep without me?" Scar smirked. "What? No... I was just cold and you are warm so..." 

The figure laid down, bringing Scar down with him. Scar felt the man hug him as if he was a big teddy bear and Scar hugged him back. "Now, sleep. Goodnight, Scar. Love ya." Scar smiled and his chin on the man's head. "Love you too." With that, both of them drifted off into deep sleep.

The elf smiled and opened his eyes. "Scar! Oh, my goodness, Scar!" He heard Mumbo's worried voice next to him. He looked over and sure there he was, eyes red from crying, but still, he was smiling. "Thank the void! You scared me so much, Scar..." The man looked around confused. "Where am I? Where is he?" 

"You're in the hospital, Scar. Your dads will soon be here. Don't worry." Mumbo laughed while wiping his tears. "I just want you to know that... I'm so happy you're still here." 

"Where is he?" 


Ello! :P 
-Ollie :]

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