Chapter 13

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{Day 4}

Scar but on a brown, long coat and a pair of black boots. They were his favorite and they were perfect for autumn weather. He walked out into a stairway. He was a nervous wreck but the smells of the stairway calmed him down a bit. He wasn't sure why that smell calmed him but it did. Scar walked downstairs and outside. He wasn't in a rush yet he walked fast. But when he reached the café he slowed down. The elf man wasn't sure if Grian was working today or not but he didn't want to risk it, so he turned around and took the long route. 

He reached the store and went to take the cart. Scar didn't like carts, it was so hard to control them and he hated it but everything that he needed wouldn't fit in a basket, he had no other choice. Scar took the cart and went into the store. The store was big and it was quite warm in there so Scar took off his jacket and put it in the cart. 

First of all the elf went to the dairy section and stood in front of it. There were so many choices and he couldn't decide. Finally, he took a carton of milk, sliced cheese, and a small package of drinkable yogurt. He wasn't a big fan of yogurt but drinkable ones had a little special place in his heart. He almost forgot that he needed eggs but good thing that he remembered when he was still near the fridges. He took the eggs and next moved on to the bakery part of the shop. There he picked some bread and was ready to go to get the next groceries but he couldn't just walk past freshly baked chocolate muffins, his body was craving something sweet, Scar took one and went to the next part of the shop. The elf man wanted some pasta for dinner so he went towards that part of the shop and took a couple of packages. He was sure that this was almost all the things he needs, he started walking to the checkouts. 

If everything went well maybe he could invite Grian to his place to watch a movie or just talk. He turned around and slowly walked to the snack section. He started wondering what Grian would like. He simply stood in front of shelves up on shelves of snacks and thought. A couple of minutes later Scar reached for some classic Pringles chips and put them in his cart. Next, the elf went to get some sweets, once again the sweater man was on his mind. He wondered what kind of sweets he would like. While still walking towards the sweet section Scar remembered how whenever Grian was ordering something at The Hermit Café he would also take a chocolate chip cookie with his drink. When he reached the sweets section the first thing he did was put 3 types of chocolate chip cookies because he couldn't decide which ones he would like better. 

What a simp...

He also took some sour and sweet gummy bears and went to the checkout. He paid for everything and started heading home. Scar was not in the mood to carry these groceries home on foot so he went to the bus stop and waited for the bus. The bus showed up some minutes later, Scar went in, bought a ticket, and sat down putting his groceries near his feet. He zoned out and before he knew he was in his apartment. He was so out of it that he didn't even remember going home but here he was. Scar pulled out his phone and checked the time. 2 AM. 

He only had two hours and a half until he needs to meet Grian so he did what any person would do and sat on his bed for half an hour thinking about how bad everything will go. But he snapped out of it and started to get ready. He showered and tried to forget about his meeting with Grian just so he could do everything without feeling like every step he takes is somehow gonna affect how Grian will react. When he finally let himself relax he felt a lot better, it might not seem like it but Scar was an overthinker and everything has to be perfect if it's not he feels like he messed up and now is a failure and a loser. When he got out of the shower he looked in the mirror, there were no ugly scars, his skin was perfect. 

He dried his hair and styled it a bit. He went out of the shower wearing underwear and a towel over his shoulders to find something to wear. He found a white button-up and some light brown pants because it was cold Scar also grabbed an old sand-colored sweater with a dino on it. He remembered how excited he was to get it. He tried the sweater on and surprisingly it still fit him 4 years later. He also took a pair of white socks and put everything on. He loved how he looked and all that was missing was a good pair of shoes. He went to the little closet next to his front door. It took a while to find the perfect shoes but he finally settled on creamy converse ones. 

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