Chapter 12

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{Day 4}

Scar shook his head. What hour is it again? He looked at the clock once again. 9 AM... I should wake up. But I don't want to... I want to go back. Scar lay down and closed his eyes. Hm... What should I imagine now? The elf smiled. Yeah. I'll love it.

It's been a couple of months since the last time Scar has seen the red sweater-wearing man but for some reason, he just wouldn't leave his head. It seemed like Scar himself didn't let him go but that just couldn't be true. He has met many people before like that. He was sure he'll forget him eventually. Today the weather wasn't one of the nice ones, it was pouring outside but Scar couldn't break his streak. Ren would probably freak out. It was funny to think, that his lost childhood best friend was almost lost forever... Maybe not funny but scary, terrifying. Scar was glad that Ren recovered but it still messed his friend up a bit. Elf doesn't want his buddy going back to his old self. 

Scar looked out the window and around his apartment. He lived in an old apartment. It was old but it seemed so sweet and welcoming, it had lots of plants which surprisingly were well taken care of despite Scar often forgetting to water them. Everything was messy but not the annoying kind of messy but almost artistic like, everything was in little groups, you could find anything you would like. His apartment also had lots of paintings, canvas, and just doodles or sketches. The elf loved to paint. Especially people. Just people walking by. He created unique humans and hybrids. From one he took their head, from the other their closes, and so on. Scar stood up from his bed and did his normal morning routine. When he finished, he took a sketchbook and a pencil, put them aside, and put on his shoes. Opened his dark wood door, stepped outside, and locked it.

The man headed towards The Hermit Caffe. It was still raining strongly. Scar sighed and ran towards the bus stop. Scar once again had forgotten his umbrella but he was too lazy to go back upstairs. The elf waited for the bus and it showed up just 40 seconds later. He got on, bought a ticket, and sat down in the very back. Not a lot of people were on the bus except a teenager, an old lady, and a man who seemed too interested in his phone to notice anything around him. It was quiet and Scar enjoyed it like that, he looked out of the window and began thinking about the sweater man again. Some stops later Scar got out even tho it was raining the elf couldn't be bothered to run. It felt nice to feel the rain on his skin, it was calming. He opened the café door, there was a ring of a bell, it was so comforting for Scar. It symbolized a place where he felt welcomed and welcome. 

He looked around and saw his friend making an order, he walked towards him. "Hello there." Ren quickly turned around. "Jesus man... You need a bell or something." The elf man only smiled. "I opened the door. Didn't you hear?" "Yeah. But I thought it was someone who maybe messed up the address or something. Anyways... how are you?" "I'm good thanks. What about you? How have you been? Do doctors say anything?" "I've been good." Ren shook his head. "Doctors haven't called or anything but it doesn't hurt and tomorrow either way I'm going to the polyclinic to get it looked at. I feel that it's been healing well." Scar hummed. "Sorry man, I have an order to make. I'll tell you when yours will be ready." "Sure." 

Scar headed off to the back of the café, to his usual spot. It was perfect. You could see the entire café and get a good view of the outside. Scar was ready to start sketching but he heard a bell go off. Any other time he wouldn't have reacted, this was one of the most popular cafes after all but something made him look up. It might have been the gush of wind or maybe he caught a glimpse of a blood-red sweater but either way he looked up. There he was... so majestic, so beautiful. He was soaked and his hair was a mess yet he still looked perfect. The sweater man walked towards the counter to order his drink. Scar stood up. 

He wanted to talk to him but he hesitated and wanted to sit back down when he heard an angelic voice. "Oh! Hello." The man was once again in his red sweater. He walked towards Scar. "It's been some time, hasn't it?" Scar stood up straight. "It has been. How are you? How is your friend doing? Taurtis was it?" "He's good, I'm fine also thank you." The man smiled. "How have you been?" He was perfect. The elf smiled a bit. "I'm also good." They stood in awkward silence. "Sorry, but I think I never caught your name." Scar hesitated. He could give him his real name or his nickname. "Oh right... It's Scar." The real name had way too many bad memories. "Scar... interesting." "What about you?" I'm Grian." Scar's smile grew even bigger. Even his name was perfect. 

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