Chapter 17

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{Day 5 and 6}

Scar felt something moving. He slowly opened one eye and looked around. It was dark as if it was the middle of the night. He tried moving his hand but something was stopping him. The elf looked down and saw who was stopping him - Grian. What hour is it?  Scar lifted his head from the pillow and looked at the clock. Once again he felt Grian move. What is happening? 

Grian! Grian, listen to me. I don't have lots of time but you need to run. You're in danger. It's dangerous. It wants to get you. What are you doing?! Don't interfere! It's meant to happen!  Grian looked around confused but saw nothing. We need her back! It's fate! It's him! Don't you dare talk to me like that! Or else... Or else what?! I will send you to her! It him, you... mortal... How dare you?! Grian felt pain in his chest. It kept growing and growing. It- It hurts. It hurts! Shut up. Shut up! Make it stop! Stop! "STOP!"

"Grian? Grian are you okay?" Grian began shaking violently. Scar saw blood running down Grian's cheeks. "Grian! Grian wake up!" Scar began shaking Grian's shoulders. "Grian, please..." "Shut up... Shut up... Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop." Blood began pouring out of Grian's nose. 

You're killing him! Let him go! Let him go! You need to learn your lesson. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please let him go! Please let... her go... There we go. Now that wasn't too hard to say. Now was it? 

"STOP!" Grian sat up. "Goodness... Grian?" The avian quickly opened his eyes. "Scar..." His voice was shaky and his breaths uneven. "Come here." Scar hugged Grian, pulling him closer to his chest. "It's okay... You're okay... Just listen to my heartbeat." Scar raised his hand and softly wiped the blood from Grian's cheeks. What is happening? 

Grian wasn't shaking anymore and Scar closed his eyes. I'll just rest my eyes...

Grian took a deep breath and opened his eyes. He found himself laying on Scar's chest. Grian smiled and buried his head into the elf's chest. I love this... I wish to stay like this forever... Finally, Grian sat up and looked over at the prince. He had a strong urge to lean over and kiss him but he stopped himself. It would be weird... I don't know if he even likes me... He raised his hand and slowly brushed the hair out of the sleeping prince's face, taking all of his beauty in. Observing him. You're so handsome... The avian stretched and slowly tumbled out of the bed. I should go. 

"Grian?" He turned around. "Yes?" Scar sat up rubbing his eyes. "Wait here." He got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Scar came back a minute later with a wet cloth and walked close to Grian. "Stay still." He lifted the wet cloth to his face and gently rubbed his cheeks, tinting them rosy red. Scar slowly made his way to his lips, smoothly stroking the cloth against his lips. Grian couldn't help but stare at the elf's lips. They looked so soft and delicate. He wanted to taste them once again, this time feel them once more. Devour them, and be lost in the sweet moment.

As Scar was cleaning Grian's face, he felt Grian's eyes absorbing him. He gradually made his way to the avian's lips, wiping them. He felt the atmosphere change. Grian's tender look was changed by lust. Scar tried ignoring but his mind and body told him otherwise. They wanted to take Grian in, make him his, to mark him in beautiful shades of purple and red. Stop it! Scar shook his head and continued to clean Grian up. 

Grian wasn't sure what got over him but he pushed Scar's hand away, holding his wrist. He stared into elf's eyes. Scar also looked up and gazed into his eyes. Grian took a step closer not losing eye contact, putting his hand behind Scar's neck, pulling him down and closer to him. They closed their eyes and connected their lips. Grian's insides were doing flips, his mind wanting more and more and his body pulling Scar as close as humanly possible.

Scar's mind was foggy. He couldn't think straight only wanting more and more, he felt Grian pulling him closer. Elf prince put his hands on Grian's waist also pulling close. Their kiss was full of passion and lust. They wanted to stay like this, lost in this moment but their lungs didn't agree. They pulled away. Scar couldn't help but smile. "Wow... Just- wow..." Grian was also grinning from ear to ear. "Godness..." He pressed his face to Scar's chest. "I can't believe it..." Scar heard Grian mumble. Grian once again looked at Scar and saw him smiling. "May I?" Scar nodded. Grian pulled him close once again. This time their kiss was shorter yet full of love. 

"Oh..." Scar pulled away and looked up, Grian turned around. "Um... Mumbo! You can knock you know?" Mumbo was standing wide-eyed. "I- I will get going. You- ah... continue." Mumbo quickly closed the door. Grian laughed and Scar joined him. "He's such a spoon." 


Hi! I once again present you with a chapter of old good Scarian. Thank you. Have a great day everyone! 

-Ollie :]

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