Chapter 5

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{Day 1}

They got to the dinner hall where everyone was already sitting. Scar took a seat next to Grian. Helpers brought the food and everyone started eating. It was an awkward silence, nobody dared to speak. Scar was the first one to finish eating, Grian right after. "You're excused." Scar stood up and nodded while Grian didn't dare to stand up. "If you want you can go Grian. We're not holding you here." Scar was at the door and ready to leave when his pa spoke up "Maybe you two can go and do something together. You can show Grian your garden." "Sure. Follow me." Scar didn't sound too excited and Grian was scared to do something wrong so he simply followed the elf prince.

The walk towards the garden was awkward, just like at dinner. Scar though that Grian hated him while Grian was terrified to mess something up and the he would get... and... Grian got lost in his mind. "-t been?" Avian shook his head "Sorry?" "I asked how it's been? You know... it's been a long time." "Um... yeah! I've- I've been great! Amazing! Wonderful! What about you?" Grian cringed. Stupid stupid stupid! You always mess something up! You're so awful. How could anyone like you?

"I've been good too. Thanks. Soo... well this is the garden." Grian blinked couple times and looked up. Wow. This is really pretty. "What do you usually do here?" "Well... Just sit and think? I don't... really know. Or listen to tree's whispers." "You understand trees?" "Yeah. It's actually not that hard, you only need to hear their heartbeat and know a bit of Morse code." "That's amazing." "You wanna see the lake?" Scar was hesitant to ask that. He promised himself that only him and people who are really close to him could go there. It was his personal haven on earth. "Sure."

"Do you mind if I stretch my wings a little?" "No. Of course not." Grian took of his jacket. He hated his wings. They reminded his how he wasn't one of them, how he was a freak, an animal. But after 9 hours of being under pressure they started to hurt and it only got worse. Now the pain was almost unbearable. He stretched his wings the ether side of him and even tho Scar said he didn't mind he couldn't help but wait a slap or some mean comment from Scar but nothing came. He looked up. He saw Scar looking at him like he was some kind of beautiful gem.

Scar was mesmerized by Grian's wings. They were red with yellow, green and blue feathers at the end. They looked so soft and with out thinking he slowly raised his hand and touched them. Grian backed away. Now he really hates me. I messed up. "I'm- I'm so sorry. I- They just looked so soft and I-" "It's okay. Just that... they are very sensitive and touching them is a very personal thing." "Oh... I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I should've- I'm sorry." "It's okay just don't do that again or at least warn me." Scar nodded. Does he hate me? I messed up big time. I should think before I do anything.

They reached the lake. There was a small bench, they could barely fit. Once again there was silence. "Why do you need a cane?" Avian sked with out thinking. "I'm so sorry. It's probably personal. I shouldn't have-" "I fell." "Sorry?" "I fell from a tree and hit my back. They said I wouldn't walk anymore because it was rarely that spines would heal. It did heal but my legs will always be weak, they get tired easily." Grian didn't know what to say. "Oh..." Scar chuckled "Yeah..." Scar tried to ignore those bad thoughts and push himself as far as possible from them.

"Do you have any stories about yourself?" "Once I flew way too high up and lost consciousness but I woke up like 50 meters before I hit ground." "That must've been scary." "It was. Can I ask a question?" "You already did but sure." "How did you get that? It's amazing" He pointed to biggest scar on Scar's face. "I fell. Don't run around with knives in hand. Believe me. I learned it the hard way." "You sure like falling." Both of them laughed.

They started some more light conversations.
"Hey I'm sorry if I seemed arrogant when I arrived. I'm not used to new places." "It's okay. I get scared of new people. So you're not alone." Both of them smiled. "I know we didn't meet for like 15 years but it feels like we never were separated." Scar wasn't sure what to say so he only nodded. "Can I ask you something personal?" "Sure! I have no secrets with you!" What a lie. And you know that. "Didn't you have wings? What happened?"

It seemed like time stopped for Scar. Everything was in slow-motion and it was getting hard to breathe. Don't cry. Don't you dare cry! Scar smiled "Do you have other questions?" Grian understood to not speak about it. Even tho he was curious he didn't push it any further. "Do you have a best friend?" "Currently? No." "Can I take that spot then?" Scar smiled again. This time his smile was genuine. "I would love to."


I thought I would treat all of you with a new chapter. To be honest I myself can't wait to know what will happen next ! :]

-Ollie :]

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