Chapter 8

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TW! Torture, and self-harm


{Day 2}

Whispers. They wouldn't stop. They drove him crazy. Kill... I don't care what or who. I need to see you suffer. I need to smell the blood. "Love me. Love me. Love me. Love me! LOVE ME!" his eyes twitched, his smile... it was psychotic. He looked so broken by them, yet so powerful. "Love me! LOVE ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!" I could see them. The ones who made him like that. Disgusting, disgraceful, weak, unloveable. He had those words all over his body. His smile fell, and he came closer. He had a knife. "Love me. TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME!" I stayed silent. "I loved you..." Once again he smiled. "So be it..." One last time I saw him. He always was so beautiful... "I love you..." He didn't hear it.

Scar wiped his tears and looked at Mumbo. "I fell for him." This time he said it with a smile. "I fell for him once again..."

One, two, five, ten... Grian heard a knock. "Hallo?" What do I do? What do I do?! "Wait a sec!" He quickly hid his razor and pulled his blouse down. It stung but he didn't care. He wiped his tears and opened the door of his bathroom. "Come in!" A man with a beard walked in. "Hallo! I'm Iskall! I'll be your personal servant and- oh god! What happened?" Grian didn't understand. Iskall walked closer. "Your hand. It's soaked in blood. Can I see?" Grian took a step back and shook his head. "I'm okay. I'm okay..." "You need to get that patched up immediately! Good thing every room has a first-aid." He walked inside Grian's bathroom. I forgot to put the other razors... He walked out of there looking sad. "I- Prince Grian... Come here." Iskall opened his hands for a hug and avian gave in. He needed affection. "I know we just met but please listen to me. Don't do it." Iskall's voice broke a bit.

They hugged for a while. "Do you wanna sit down?" Avian nodded. He felt safe around Iskall, even tho they just met. It seemed like they understood each other. They sat down. "Do you want to talk about it? It's okay if you don't but please don't keep your emotions to yourself. It'll make it worse." "I don't know where to start..." "How about... why did you do that?" "For prince's safety." "What do you mean?" "They made me. I tried to ignore them but they said that they would make me hurt someone." "Who are they?" Grian stayed silent. He never thought about it. "I don't know. They like seeing me suffer." "Do they sometimes take control of you?" "Only one time." "Do you remember anything?" Grian shook his head. "No. The last thing I remember is going to bed and then... I- I woke up in a forest. Covered in blood." Iskall pulled Grian close and hugged him. "You need to talk to Xsuma. He'll help you. He'll know how to help you. He helped Mumbo, he'll help you too." They stayed quiet for a bit and let go of each other.

"So how do you like the castle so far?" "The castle is confusing. It feels a bit like some kind of maze." Iskall chuckled. "Yeah, it does. You'll get used to it. What about the prince?" Grian's face went pink. "Wha- what about him?" "Oh... I see I see..." "What do you mean?" "You like him don't ya?" Iskall smirked. Grian's face went bright red. "I don't!" "Oh really? Then why are you bright pink?" "I- It's hot here. I need to open the window." With that avian stood up. "Sure... sure. Whatever you say. But in all seriousness, do you actually like him?" Grian opened the window. "Maybe..." "Both of you will be amazing kings!" Grian smiled and imagined him and Scar getting married. Lots of flowers and a silent, sweet melody playing. His father isn't here so he can proudly open his wings for everyone to see. They are so happy.

"Prince Grian? Hallo?" Iskall was waving his head in front of his face. "Sorry. I zoned out a bit." "It's okay but we should get going. The breakfast already started. We're late." "Let's go then! I'm feeling hungry." They walked out of the room.

"You're so beautiful and your wings... I want them. I could say it won't hurt but I'm not a liar." Once again... that smile. So insane, yet so pretty. He took out a big kitchen knife. "You'll scream. Scream out of pain and I... I'll enjoy every second of it. There's gonna be so much blood. You'll love me..." Whispers. They were so loud. So angry. Unbelievable pain shot through me. Tears spilled but I kept my mouth shut. I won't give him that pleasure. He won't hear me scream. "Come on. I want to hear you scream. I want you to suffer!"

It hurts. It hurts so much. "You're welcome, love. I did you a favor. Those wings... they are so... stunning. You don't need them. They didn't fit you anyways." He walked closer. "Tell me that you love me." I couldn't speak. He looked pissed. "TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME!" Once again I said nothing. "I see how it is..." He smiled. "You'll love me... I'll make you." He took my wings from the table. "I'll see you in a couple of days." He walked out and locked the door behind him, leaving me on the cold floor.

He came back 3 days later, just like he said. He gave me peace of bread and a glass of water. "Hello love. How are you?" I didn't speak even tho I knew this wouldn't end well for me. "Still not speaking sweetheart? Don't worry you'll speak very soon." He walked out once again taking the cup where was water. Good thing I drank it before. He came back a couple of minutes later carrying something. It was some kind of tool which was hot red. "Come here, love. This will surely make you speak." I didn't move so he came closer. "Stay still." He pressed the tool to my back. I screamed. It hurt so much. He pulled the tool away. "Do you love me?" I nodded. I couldn't take this pain a second time. "TALK!" "Y-yes." "Yes, love." I repeated "Yes... love."


Ello once again! Another chapter! YAY!

-Ollie :]

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