Chapter 9

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{Day 2}

Everyone was sitting in their seats. Just like at dinner nobody dared to speak but Grian felt someone looking at him. It wasn't the bad stare but yet it made him quite uncomfortable. He couldn't figure out who it was. "Is everything okay Grian?" "Yes. Why do you ask your majesty?" "You keep looking around." "Everything is okay. Really." King nodded. Nothing else happened at breakfast. Grian was the first one to finish eating. He didn't dare to stand up and walk away. "You can go. You don't need our permission." Grian stood up. "I'll go unpack my things." With that, he left.

Scar couldn't help himself. He kept glancing at avian but it seemed like that made him uncomfortable so he stopped. When Grian stood up, Scar wanted to follow him yet he didn't. The elf didn't want to be annoying. "I'll go too. I will be in the garden." He stood up and left. Scar wanted so company but Mumbo was spending half of the day with his boyfriend and Grian wasn't an option. Now he had no one. He did sometimes talk with his helpers but he wanted someone close to him. 

He slowly walked into the garden. It was autumn so there weren't many colors and the wetter was getting colder. Scar's first time in years took a look at his garden. It's so dark here... He realized. Autumn. He hated autumn. Everything was getting colder, the plants slowly dying, and it was dark. So dark. So alone. 

He walked a bit further and saw ruins of stairs. I wonder what was here before. He tried imagining it. A little tower. There was an old gatekeeper. He's sitting near the fire. He's cold. He turned his head. He heard something. He's dead. 

He walked further. There was an old boat. Nobody knows how it got there. In the middle of the forest. At least no one told him when he asked. The nearest sea or lake, where the boat could fit, was a hundred kilometers away.  Scar loved it when he was younger. Every day he made up a story of how the boat got there. Elf tried remembering at least one but he couldn't. So he created another one. He pulled out his notebook. I don't want to forget this one.

Once upon a time in place of Silverian forests castle, there was a lake. It was so big it could fit half of Blossom kingdom! No one but one sailor dared to go across it. That sailor was an old man and his helper was a young boy who just like his grandpa was excited. His parents have died in a fire so his grandpa was all he has left. They excitedly were preparing for the trip to the unknown lands. When they were ready to leave it was autumn. "Come on grandpa! I want to see the unknown lands of Blossom kingdom!" "Just you wait... you'll see a truly magical thing there. But before that, there will be lots of dangers and obstacles! Are you truly ready?" "Yes, grandpa! I will be the best yoke ever!" Grandpa ruffled the boy's hair. "I'm sure you'll be. Now all aboard!" "Yes, captain!" They got into their little boat. Only if they knew what dangers await them... 

It was the third day since they left their town. The day was calm but no one knew what was waiting for them. At first, the storm was little but every minute it got stronger and stronger. Grandpa was starting to get scared but said nothing. The boy was woken up by the sounds of the storm. Suddenly all the sound stopped and the young boy heard a voce. "Come here. We want to play." Boy was mesmerized by the voice and he did as he was told. He opened the door of the cabin where he was sleeping and stepped out. "Come here little one. Let's go for a swim."

Grandpa was woken up by someone walking. He immediately stood up and walked out, towards the boy's room. But he wasn't there. "Tango?! Where are you?!" The storm got bigger. I hope he's not there... Grandpa walked out on a deck. He could barely see anything because of the rain but he made out a silhouette of the boy. "Tango!" The boy shook his head. "Grandpa?" 

A wave came crashing down on the boy and took him with it. Grandpa jumped forward but he was too late. "Tango!" He couldn't see him. Grandpa jumped into the water out of hope of still saving Tango but the lake had other plans. Waves caught him and dragged him to the deepest part of the lake. The boat continued its journey but a couple of days later it disappeared.

Some hundred yours later elfs needed more land and they got rid of all the water in the lake. Through the years elfs made villages and castles and planted trees to make a forest. One day the lake gave back the boat. It didn't need it. And the boat slowly emerged from the ground. It looked just like the day it disappeared.


Scar closed his notebook. It was so easy for him to create these stories.


Hallo wonderful people! I present you.... *drum roll* another chapter! YAy!

-Ollie :]

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