Chapter 21

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TW! Death threats?

{Day 10}

Scar looked at him confused. He laughed nervously. "What do you mean?" Grian took off his cloak and spread his wings. "Where is Taurtis? What did you do to him?!" Grian took a step towards Scar. Scar saw his once dark blue eyes becoming a light shade of purple. "Who's Taurtis?" Grian flew up and crashed straight into Scar, knocking him off his feet. Suddenly a dagger appeared in his hand, and Grian put it next to the brunette's neck. "Don't play dumb..." The avian pushed the dagger a bit closer, making a small cut. "Ow! What are you talking about, Grian?! I don't know any Taurtis!" 

Grian looked at him unsure. "Really?" "Yeah! Now can you get off me? I can't breathe." The blonde slowly stood up. "It's not funny, Grian..." Scar said while dusting his pants off. "Where am I?" "Stop it. It's not funny." Grian clutched the dagger stronger. "I'm not joking! Where am I? How do you know my name?!" Grian looked into Scar's eyes, searching for answers or any glint of a lie. But he found nothing. Scar was genuinely confused. "That's it... I'm taking you to X." Scar took the avian's arm, but Grian pulled it out. "You're not taking me anywhere! Who are you?!"

Abruptly the door to the garden opened, revealing a very lost Mumbo. "Am I interrupting? I heard shouting." Both of them turned to look at the mustached man. "Mumbo?" Grian walked towards the tall man. "Where are we, Mumbo? Who is that man?" He pointed at Scar. Mumbo looked between the two nervously. He quickly closed the door and ran. 

I'm going to kill Taurtis... He ran to his and Iskall's room, closing the door behind him, and locking it. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes, looking angry. I'm going to kill him... 

When Mumbo opened his eyes, he found himself in a completely different place. It was dark but beautiful. It had a big dark blue bed, in which Mumbo was laying in, a small table in the corner, and a black chair. Not a lot, but everything was amazing. The wallpaper was also dark purple, the ceiling was covered in stars and galaxies, it was moving. Mumbo got out of bed. He was dressed in a black Victorian shirt, dark blue pants, black long boots, half of his face was covered in a silver mask, he had a red-crystal necklace hanging from his neck, a star-dotted cloak was softy falling on his shoulders.

He stormed out of the room, the fast and loud steps could be heard in the never-ending corridor. Suddenly he turned to face one of the doors. Knocks echoed through the hall. "Open the door! Open the fucking door, Taurtis!" Steps were heard on the other side of the door. The door was opened slowly, and Mumbo took a step into the room. The door was closed behind him. The mustached man turned around to look at the creature. Oh, he was mad... "What the hell were you thinking?!" The creature was looking down. "I-" "Don't. Now I will have to fix everything once again!" Mumbo took a deep breath. "Why would you show him that?! Why?!" Taurtis was silent. "I miss him! I miss him, okay?! I- I don't know. I just want him back..." Taurtis covered his face. Mumbo stepped towards and pulled Taurtis's hands away, but didn't let go of them. 

"Listen... I don't know how many times I will have to tell you this - Grian is happy elsewhere.  He doesn't remember you. Well now he does, but that's not the point. This has to stop... I can't always go after you, cleaning your mess. He's not coming back. I won't let him. He has a loving boyfriend. He has a bright future ahead of him. Yes, he has to work on some things, but he has a future down there. And you know what would happen if he were to come back? He would be killed. We would be too. Do you want that?" There was a loud silence. "If it means to meet him again, then yes. I would kill myself and him. I won't let you separate me and him again!"

Mumbo sighed. "I'm sorry." "No! Please! Not again!" Taurtis lunged towards Mumbo, but before he could reach him, Mumbo snapped his fingers. "Sorry..." Taurtis collapsed on the ground. Mumbo exited Taurtis's room and walked further into the corridor, making his way back to his room. 


A short one lol. But two chapters in a day! You surely are getting a royal treatment! Hope you liked it!

-Ollie :]

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