Chapter 16

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{Day 5}

Grian opened his eyes and looked around. It's okay. I'm here. I'm safe. He's not here. Just... breathe. Grian closed his eyes and took a deep breath, air filling his lungs felt like the best thing ever. He opened his eyes once again. Everything seemed normal, then he heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" The door opened up and a bearded man walked in. "Halo! Um... The dinner is ready." Grian nodded. "Don't wait for me. I'll be there in 5 minutes." Iskall slowly closed the door and walked off. The avian took another deep breath and stood up. I should go. 

When he got to the dining hall, he saw Scar. He sat down in his seat and saw that no one else was there except them two. "Where are everyone?" "They already ate." Scar answered without looking up. "Oh... Then why are we eating now?" "Pa thought we aren't bonding." Scar finally looked up and did quote marks on bonding. Grian began eating his food and Scar followed his suit. They ate in silence. 

Come on, Grian! It's your time! Just ask him!  "Ahem-" Scar turned his head to look at him. "Are you okay? Did you catch a cold?" Scar sounded very concerned and Grian's cheeks burned a little. I could get used to that... "No no no! I- I wanted to thank you for yesterday's night." Grian turned to Scar and saw him looking at Grian confused. "What do you mean?" Is he playing with me? "Yesterday night. You- you took me to see the meteor shower." "We have those here?" "You- You kissed me!" The elf prince choked on the food that he was chewing. "What?! When?!" Breathe, Grian... Breathe... "Yesterday night. You... caught me trying to sneak out." Scar's face was still red from choking. I- I fucked up... I fucked up big time. I should've never brought that up. He hates me. No, he doesn't... he- Grian tried to think of one time when Scar said he enjoyed his company but couldn't think of one. 

He hates me. "No, I don't." "Yes, you do!" "I don't. Listen Grian." Scar slowly took Grian's hand. "I don't hate you." The avian looked into his deep emerald-green eyes and felt a sudden wave of anger. "I don't need your pity! I don't need you to look at me with that look in your eyes!" Scar smiled sweetly. "What look?" Grian felt helpless. "That look! Like- like you care! Like you love me!" "I do care. Ans I do love you..." "No! No no no no! No! You can't! I'm... I'm an animal Scar!" 

The elf raised his hand slowly and stroked Grian's rosy cheeks with his thumb, wiping big tears rolling down avian's cheeks. "Has anyone told you, how beautiful you are?" Grian didn't even feel how he leaned into Scar's hand. He shook his hand, silent tears still rolling down. "Well, then I'm glad to be the first. You're not an animal. You are yourself. Please don't let that change. I know how much influence other people's words can have, but don't let them change who you are." Grian stared into Scar's eyes and nodded slowly.

 "Do you maybe want to watch a movie with me?" The avian sniffled a bit and agreed. "I would love to." Scar let go of Grian's hand and cheek, and stood up offering his hand to Grian. The avian accepted it and was ready to feel the sadness when Scar will let go, but surprisingly he never did. They slowly started to make their way to Scar's room. 

They made it to the elf's room. "Um... you can go on my bed." "Damn, Scar... ask me out for a date first." Scar's face went red and he let go of Grian's hand. "I'll be back in a second." Grian smiled a bit and made his way to the bed. The entirety of Scar's room was a bit messy but that couldn't cover up the beauty of elf's room. Everywhere you looked, you could see little something, but one corner was the most intriguing. It had lots of papers attached to the wall and a lot of them were words, but Grian couldn't figure out what was written. 

Scar finally came back, and he was carrying a bunch of treats to munch on. "I didn't know what you would like, so I took a bit of everything." This simple gesture melted Grian's heart. "Thank you." Scar put everything on the nightstand and sat down on the bed. 

"What do you want to watch?" "I don't know. You choose." Scar took the TV remote and turned the TV on. "I have one film in mind. I think you'll like it." "Please no scary movies." "It isn't scary. Don't worry." Scar turned some movie on, made his way to the end of the bed, and rested his body against the headboard. He looked at Grian and patted the place next to him. Grian slowly sat next to Scar. The movie started and Scar looked at Grian. "Sweet or sour?" "Sorry?" Scar smiled. "Popcorn." Grian looked at Scar confused. "What's popcorn?" Scar took the TV remote and stopped the movie. He looked at Grian. "You never had popcorn?" "No?" "Well, then you have to try it!" With that, he passed the avian a bowl of popcorn. "Try it. It's really good." Grian looked hesitantly at it but took one and put it in his mouth. "Soo...? What do you think?" The avian smiled. "It's good! Really good!" The elf laughed. "I knew, you would love popcorn!" Scar unpaused the movie and both of them turned their attention to the screen.

There was some awkward tension but Grian tried to ignore it. Scar yawned and Grian ignored it, but then he felt a hand on his shoulder. The avian smiled a bit and put his head on Scar's shoulder. He felt loved and most importantly, he felt safe.

Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! I did it! I actually did it!  Scar felt a funny feeling in his stomach. It wasn't a bad feeling. He loved that feeling. And then he felt Grian's head on his shoulder. I think I might die. Scar couldn't help himself, he kept glancing at Grian. He's so gorgeous... God... I fell hard... Scar smiled to himself. Yes. Yes, I did...

The film ended but Grian was still on his shoulder, Scar looked down to see Grian sleeping. What do I do? I have to get him to his room... How tho? Scar looked around, but nothing came to mind. I have to wake him up... But he seems so peaceful... You have to do it. I don't want to make him uncomfortable... Scar sighed sadly and moved his shoulder a bit. It seemed to wake Grian up. "Hey... You have to go to your room." Grian buried his head in Scar's shoulder. "But I don't want toooooooo..." "You can't sleep here." "Whyyyyyyyy? I don't want to move. I'm comfortable." "You- you don't have pyjamas" Grian buried his head even deeper. "Then give me one." "They would be too big for you." "Don't care. I don't wanna move." The elf sighed. "Fine... I'll get you one." 

Grian sat up and let Scar go. Scar stood up, went to his wardrobe, and looked for some PJs. He found two, his favorite, and one he got for Christmas. Without thinking, he handed his favorite pyjamas to Grian. "You can go to the bathroom and I'll change here." Grian slowly stood up and made his way to the bathroom. Scar got changed and waited for Grian, but 10 minutes passed and Grian was still in the bathroom. 

Scar stood up from the bed and knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Um... Grian? You okay in there?" Scar heard sniffles. "N- no..." "Can I come in?" "Y-yeah..." Scar opened the door and saw Grian sitting on the ground, hugging his knees. "What happened?" "My... my wings. I can't hide them... You'll think I'm hideous..." The elf kneeled down, in front of the avian. "Your wings are a part of you. And they are beautiful. I love them." "I'm sorry." "For what?" "Crying. Men don't cry... Gosh. I'm such a crybaby." "Men do cry. You are allowed to show and have emotions. You can't hide them, it only gets worse." Scar stood up and lifted Grian up. "Let's go." 

They made their way to the bed and lied down. "Good night." "G'night" Scar couldn't sleep, it felt way too awkward. "Hey!" He heard Grian whisper. "Yes?" There was a bit of silence. "N- nothing." Scar closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep and ignore Grian moving but he just couldn't. "Grian?" "Sorry." "It's okay. Can't sleep?" "Yeah..." Scar hesitated. I don't want to make him uncomfortable... "We can cuddle. If that would help..." He felt the avian moving closer to Scar. When Grian was right by Scar's side he put one head and hand on Scar's chest and his leg over Scar's legs. "This definitely helps..." Scar's face went as red as a tomato. "Glad to know..." The elf put one of his hands over Grian's waist and pulled him even closer. "G'night." "Good night..." I love you. "I love you too..." Oh goodness... I said it out loud...


Hallo! Um... I just wanted to mention that this is happening in an alternative timeline. Soo... Yep! That's it. Byeeee! Stay safe <3

-Ollie :]

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