Chapter 18

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{Day 10}

Scar and Grian were spending a lot more time together, enjoying themselves. "This feels weird..." Grian raised his head from Scar's shoulder and looked at him. "What do you mean?" Scar looked into the distance. "I don't know... It just feels wrong. What if we shouldn't be doing this? What if they don't approve? What if...?" The avian kissed Scar's cheek and put his head back down. "I don't care. We will get married, and I think that your dads will be happy to know. But I get what you mean. We can tell them... If you want." The elf prince hugged Grian. "I would like that..." "Today at dinner?" Scar nodded pulling Grian closer to him.

"We should get going. I promised Iskall to paint with him." Scar took a deep breath and stood up, taking his cane. "Let's go." They walked through the garden, admiring its beauty of it. When they reached the castle, they parted ways and walked off.

Grian stood in front of Iskall's and Mumbo's bedroom, knocking but no one answered. It was quiet. Way too quiet... Grian quickly opened the door. "Iskall? You here?" No one answered. Grian opened the door more and walked in, looking around for any sign of Iskall or Mumbo. But no one was there.

He walked around for a bit and noticed a corner of a book on the bed. Being the noisy person, he is Grian sat down on the bed and opened the book. It was handwritten. The avian knew he shouldn't be doing this, but the temptation was too strong. He opened one of the last written pages.


It's me again. I don't think I can do this anymore... I know it's been 3 God damn years! But... I'm still scared. I hate this. I hate lying to him. I hate leading him on. I hate that I cannot feel anything. I've tried. I've tried so hard! I've tried to love him, but I just can't... I can't remember a time when I felt anything more than friendly feelings for him. I can't remember if I ever have felt those feelings... I don't feel like a person. I should be able to love! I should be able to have crushes! I should be able to feel something! I don't know how much longer I can go like this... I guess what I'm trying to say is-

Grian heard someone walking behind the door and quickly put the book back in its place while standing up. The door opened and Iskall stepped into the room. "Hallo!" Grian smiled and waved. "Hi! I can't wait!" Iskall smiled and nodded. "I'll get the supplies. Wait a minute." The Swede entered the room next door and left Grian alone with his thoughts. Whose book is that? What do they mean?

Grian noticed a hand in front of his face, waiving. He shook his head and looked up at Iskall. "Sorry. Got a bit lost in my mind." "It's okay!" Iskall glanced down at the supplies and back up. "Yeah, right... So, what do you want to paint first of all?" The swede shrugged his shoulders. "Anything. I'm just happy to spend time with my friend." The avian nodded. "What about... anything? Just paint anything you want! We could put on some music as well!" "Okay." 

They got all of their supplies and music ready. They picked a playlist with songs like Caffe 1930 and Je te laisserai des mots and others. They started painting. Some occasional small talk would form, but mostly they painted only accompanied by silent and soft music. Everything went smoothly but Grian couldn't get the book out of his head. 

Painting always came naturally to him. He never needed to think of what to paint. Today he chose to paint his dreams. Or nightmares. For the past week, he's been having dreams about these rectangular, one-eyed creatures, who would speak in some unknown tongue. Sometimes they wouldn't leave him even when he was awake. He could sometimes see them through the corner of his eye. Or sometimes even sense them. They seemed to carry this sense of sadness or anger. They would quietly follow him, looking straight into his soul, analyzing him, looking for the weakest spots.

They finished and took a step back, to admire their pieces of art. Grian's painting was... interesting to say the least. It was a dark piece of the avian's soul. A strange eye in the midnight sky, looking at you. Following your every step. Grian turned his head and looked over at Iskall's painting. A dripping heart. There was so much detail in the background, but all the focus was on the heart.

"Wow... I never thought painting could be so calming..." Grian grinned. "We should do this again! But now... Let's go wash up and go eat. I'm starving!" Iskall nodded. "Of course. But where do we put the paintings?" "Let me take them to my room. I have loads of space. I'll surely find a nice place for them to dry. And once they are done drying, I will bring yours to you. Deal?" Grian put his hand out and the swede immediately shook it. "Deal." "Now if you let me..." Grian bowed, took Iskall's hand, and kissed it. He stood up laughing, Iskall joining him. "If you let me, your excellency, beatifullcy I shall go."Iskall made the straightest face he could and nodded. "I grant you permission to go." A small smile slipped through. "Thank you!" Grian bowed once again and left while laughing, to get changed and washed up. 


Hello my people! Sorry for not posting  :[ I had no motivation... BUT! I came back with another chapter! Yay!!!!! Love all of ya! 

-Ollie :]

They warned me... I don't regret a thing! I will see you one day... I will get you back. And then never let go.

addeleworth [Scarian Royalty AU]Where stories live. Discover now