Chapter 19

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TW! SH, death, blood
{Day 10}

"We should get going. I promised Iskall to paint with him." Scar took a deep breath and stood up, taking his cane. "Let's go." They walked through the garden, admiring its beauty of it. When they reached the castle, they parted ways and walked off. Scar walked towards his room feeling lightheaded and sick. He reached his room and felt reality slipping from his fingers. He quickly sat down before blacking out. 

The brown-haired prince stood up and stretched. "Damn he's rusty..." He walked out of the room and headed straight for the castle exit, with every step limping a bit. He walked out into the garden. "Hmm..." He looked up. "Noon... I have to wait." He started walking around, seemingly searching for something, but found nothing. The prince sighed and slowly started making his way back to the room. He got back into the room and headed to the bathroom. The elf looked himself up and down in the mirror. "He would look better with long hair..."

Scar opened his eyes and looked around. He found himself in his bathroom, pressed against a wall. What am I doing here? He stood up and caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. You are disgusting. Good thing he took them... You would've looked even more hideous! Scar quickly looked away, feeling overwhelmed. Come on... Do it. I know you want to... Do it. Do it! You are disgusting trash! You don't deserve to feel good. 

He didn't know what took over him, but he grabbed a knife and... He felt a need to punish his own body because it wasn't good enough for him. He felt the need to punish his own body because he is a mess. He felt the need to punish his own body because all of them deserved better. All of these thoughts seemed so true, they took over his mind, they started spreading like some kind of weed. The overwhelming pain and blood took over his mind, making him numb to his own emotions and surroundings. Pain pain pain pain pain. Pain - the only reminder he's real. The only reminder he's still here. 

Scar put the knife slowly and sat down on the ground, pulling his knees to his chest. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry pa." Tears started rolling down, burning his arms. "God... I'm such a mess!" He heard a faint sound of laughing. It's getting boring, you know... It's way too easy. Scar clutched his ears, but the laughing wouldn't stop. After a while he started laughing as well, with tears still streaming down his face. He rocked back and forward, not letting go of his ears. "I SHOULD JUST KILL MYSELF!" The ear-splitting scream could be heard in half of the castle. Five minutes passed, but no one showed up. They don't care. No one does.

Scar calmed himself down a bit, but the tears just wouldn't stop. He stood up, even tho his legs were shaky, and he knew he wouldn't be able to stand on his own. The prince leaned over the sink and turned it on. The elf put his hands under the warm water. It stung, but Scar knew he deserved it. He deserved every single second of pain. He washed them and reached for the cabinet door and opened it up, pulling out bandages. 

He bandaged himself up and looked at his clothes and floor, they were bloody. The prince sighed and took a rag, to clean the floor up. After that was done, he walked back to his wardrobe, took out a long sleaved black ruffle shirt and and dark blue pants. He changed and put the bloody clothes in the washing basket. 

The prince took a deep breath and walked out of his room and started making his way to the garden. On his way there he ran into his dad. He didn't care... Scar once again took a deep breath and smiled, doing his best to silence the voice. "Hello, dad." The king smiled back. "Hello, son. I was actually searching for you everywhere. Where have you been?" "I was just in my room." The king looked into Scar eyes with concern but looked away moments later. "Anyway... Have you seen Grian?" Scar shook his head. "No. But he should probably be in Iskall's room. Apparently, prince Grian promised to paint with him." His dad nodded. 

"From tomorrow, you and Grian will be learning how to dance for your wedding and the ball that should take place in about... a week?" All Scar could do was nod. "Okay, dad." "See you at dinner. Now I shall go and find Grian." The king walked off. 

Scar turned his mind off and started walking once again to the garden. He didn't care... He never did... Scar never had a strong bond with his father. He always seemed to be working towards making their kingdom a better place. But in the proses he seemed to forget him, never having time for him. Scar tried not to be angry at him, but sometimes it wasn't easy. He still loved him. At least that's what he told himself. It was hard to love someone you hardly know. 

Once again, he felt lightheaded and sick. 


He rubbed his eyes and looked up. "Early evening... Should I wait? No... It's funnier this way." He started making his way back to the castle. While walking he checked his clothes. "He might be ugly, but... I can't lie. Man has some style." He kept walking and talking with himself. "How should I do this? Should I use my dear friend? He is capable of a lot of things..." He reached the castle and was walking through the corridors. "It's been a while since I felt it myself..." 

He stopped inf front of a door and knocked couple of times. "Come in!" The brown-haired prince opened the door. "Oh... Scar!" He heard a tonal shift in swede's voice. "I just want to talk. Um... Could we maybe go out for a walk in the garden?" Iskall nervously smiled. "Sure." They left the room and walked towards garden in silence. 

Once they reached the garden, prince turned at Iskall. "I- I need your help." Iskall looked at him confused. "With what?" The elf turned his head towards the forest. "I found this animal and... it really needs help. I know how much you love animals." There was a bit of silence. "Please?" The swede sighed. "Sure." They started walking into the depths of the forest. "What were you even doing this deep in the forest, Scar?" Prince shrugged. "Just got lost in my mind a bit. It's not too far away anymore. They reached a clearing and the elf stopped. Iskall looked around. "Where is it?" 

"Turn around." Iskall turned his head and was met with a sharp pain in his neck. He felt something warm leaking from his neck. Iskall touched the pain spot and pulled his hand away. Blood. So much blood. He looked up at Scar and saw him smiling smirkingly. "You didn't follow the rules... And you know what happens now." He took a step towards the swede and plunged a bloody knife in his neck again. The scream of agony echoed through the forest, but no one except two of them heard it. Iskall fell down on the ground. "You really thought I would spare you?" The tall prince stabbed his neck five more times. Iskall took his last breath and smiled. "This chapter isn't closed yet..." 

The elf got off now dead Iskall and wiped his face. "So much blood, and for what?" He turned around. "I should make my way back..." 

He got back in the garden. "I can't let them see me like this." He closed his eyes and opened them once again. He was clean. "Now this is better." He bravely walked into the castle and to his room. 

Scar opened his eyes. He felt lost. Where am I? What am I doing in my room? It happened again. He looked over to the clock and saw, it was time for dinner. It doesn't matter now. Today is the day... 


HI! Bye! Jk! How do you like this chapter? I hope it's not bad and you liked it

-Ollie :]

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