Chapter 23

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{Day 10-29}

Adrenaline was pumping through his body as he ran into a dark forest. His mind was a mess, he never felt so lost. Where am I? Who was that man? What is Mumbo doing down here? He was so lost in his mind that he didn't see where he was going and tripped over something. 

He stood up and looked around. Grian found himself in a large clearing. He looked back to see what tripped him over. His blood ran cold, and his heart seemingly stopped. Grian wanted to move. He needed to move, but something seemed to be holding him by his ankles, not letting him go. 

His knees went weak and he fell onto the rocky ground, bruising his hands and knees. But he couldn't care less about it right now. Grian slowly crawled toward his friend's body. With shaky hands, he took Iskall's cold hand. He wanted to cry. To scream his heart out. To make the world shake. But there was nothing he could do. 

He just like back then was a mess. His vision was blinded by anger. He tried standing up, but before he could, his vision was black.

"Curiosity killed the cat... So they say. But did you know that's not the full saying? People tend to leave out the latter half of it. Satisfaction brought it back. What a wonderful addition I'd say. In the end, your curiosity will be worth it, assuming you will simply be satisfied by the result. But now it raises a whole new question - at the end of your journey, will it be worth it?" 

The creature turned to look straight into his eyes. "Tell me, do you think at the end everything you went through will be worth it?"

"What?" He felt lost.

"You are here because you're curious. You want to know... Don't you?" He felt himself nodding. "Go ahead. You don't have a lot of time..." He took a deep breath. "Why am I back here?" The entity didn't hesitate. "That was a part of our deal... Your memories for your freedom. You won't be here for long tho... You are useless to us now."

It hurt to hear that, but he knew it was the truth. "Did Mumbo know?" This time the creature was quiet. "I think you know the answer... But, yes. He did." He felt anger rise. "Then why didn't he stop whatever killed him?! Why?!" 

The creature looked at him unamused. "Mumbo Jumbo is a God amongst men. He's too complicated for the human mind..." He took a step forward. "But I'm not human!" The creature stepped back, distancing itself. "But you are... There is almost nothing left of someone who once was as big as Death herself. You are human. You are a worshipper and not the one being worshipped. You are the fallen one..." 

He looked straight into one of the thousands of creature's eyes. "You didn't answer my question." 

"It wasn't his job. His job was to protect you and take care of Scar. Before accepting his quest Iskall knew what will happen. He signed the contract."

A heavy silence fell. "Where is he now?" 

"Where all the fallen ones go..."

"Why did you give my memory back? You are breaking the rules, Life..."

Not one emotion was shown on Life's face. "You should go now..." 

Grian sat up and heard shouting behind him. "Prince Grian?!" He wanted to answer, but he felt so weak. He laid back down and closed his eyes. 

Scar was beyond scared. It has been 4 days since Grian disappeared and there were no signs of him. Search parties were formed and everyone was scared for the avian prince. 

Mumbo walked into the prince's room without knocking and pulled him into a big hug. "They found him." Scar smiled as tears formed, making his bloodshot eyes even redder. He wanted to stand up and run. He had forgiven the prince the second Grian left. But the sleep deprivation and lack of food didn't let him get up. 

"Really?" Mumbo nodded. "Yes." 

"Where is he now?" The silence was loud. "He's in a hospital..." Scar looked at Mumbo concerned. "Why? Is something wrong?" The mustached man wasn't sure how to break the news to the prince. "He's um... in a coma. His condition is pretty bad now. Doctors aren't sure-" A sob escaped Mumbo's mouth. "Sorry... Um- Doctors aren't sure if he will make it." 

Time stopped. Everything was muffled. "Where is he? I want to see him..."

Scar visited the man in the hospital. Grian was pale and cold. Very cold... He couldn't see him like that, but he also couldn't leave him. Scar was sure that Grian will be fine. He will get better. 

Days passed and Grian was only looking worse. Paler and colder. Every hour that Scar spent in that room seemed like seconds to him. The days blurred together. There were fewer and fewer doctors around that room, there was no way the young prince is getting better... 

Every hour Scar would check Grian's pulse and talk to him. This morning Scar felt nothing. He didn't hear the man's heart. He didn't see his chest rise and fall. 

He screamed. He cried. He punched everything and everyone around him. He wouldn't let go of the corpse's arm. He closed off. He smiled. He fell to the ground.

Back in the castle, nothing was the same. There was never so much quietness. 

Scar didn't know what to do with himself. He couldn't do anything. 

Maybe it will end how it was supposed to from the start...

Little Scar was sitting on a bed next to a man and doodling. "Uncle, Doc?" The man raised his head from the pillow. "Yes?" Scar shifted uncomfortably. "I have a question." "Go ahead." The boy didn't speak. "What happens when we die?" There was a bit of silence. "Why are you asking these questions, Scar?" Scar shrugged his shoulders and continued to doodle. "I don't know..."

Now he will know...

Dear, Grian,

I love you. I want to say thank you. Thank you for the happiest days of my life, the love, your smile, and you. I know we were meant to be. I know, I will meet you in another life. And I know, I will love you just as much. Remember the first day we met? I was so nervous about not being enough for you, but you made me better, and stronger. I don't have enough words to describe my love for you. But I can only try. I love you so much. My sunshine, my moon. I love you.

Yours, Scar <3

"Just like at the start..." A rope in his hand, his letters in the other. But this time he was smarter. Scar quietly closed the door and locked it. 

When people talk about death, they talk about a cold-hearted witch with no remorse or empathy. But they are blind... or rather blinded by the want to live. They don't see the sadness in her eyes, or the happiness in her voice as she has freed yet another one of her slaves from a never-ending loop of pain and regret. They have yet to feel the sweet release of death as she softly touches your hand to keep you moving. She gets threatened, cursed, and screamed at just trying to help us escape the loop she herself created.

Scar was greeted with a sad smile and silence. "Hello, Scar..." In front of him was standing the man of his dreams. "Grian..." He cupped Scar's face in his hands. "This isn't healthy, Scar. You can't run from reality... You need to wake up." 

The silence was broken. "But I want to stay here... With you." Grian smiled and kissed Scar's nose. "You need to wake up and you know that... Please don't come back. I love you..."

Scar stirred in his bed as the comfort of his blankets was ripped off. "Rise and shine, sunshine!" Scar grumbled under his breath. "Nooo... I don't wanna...." Another person entered his room. "Don't make me grab the bucket!" Scar wasn't in the mood to be soaked in water. "Fine, fine... I'm up!" Scar heard a chuckle as his dad's left the room. 

"And you better hurry up if you don't want to be late for the first day of high school! You don't want to make a bad first impression!" Scar plopped himself back on his bed and smiled. What a weird dream... 


Hello! I'm sure you weren't expecting that twist! Ha! Btw, I am planning a sequel! If you want one I would very appreciate your thoughts! 

-Ollie :D

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