Chapter 6

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{Day 1}

"It's getting late, don't you think?" "You're right. We should probably go back." They stood up and started walking towards the castle. "I never had a best friend you know. I'm very happy to have you here." Grian wasn't sure what to say so like always he simply smiled. 

They walked through old ruins of something that once was a gate. "Do you ever think how something was before it was ruined?" "Sometimes. But somethings must be ruined for something new and beautiful to take it's place. Do you?" Scar stopped and looked back at the ruins. "That isn't always a case. Somethings are ruined just because they enjoy seeing those things crumble, they like seeing it being forgotten. They like the destruction, tearing those things a bit by bit till there's nothing left. They leave it there rotting, scarred, torn apart." Scar turned his head to look at the other prince. "It's getting real dark! We should get going." Scar now fully turned around and speed walked towards the castle leaving Grian there confused. "You're going?" Grian jogged towards elf. 

They entered the castle. Neither of them dared or wanted to speak. Just as they were near the stairs to second floor they met the kings saying goodbye. "Come here. I was just about to call Mumbo to search for you two. Grian should say his goodbye." They walked towards the kings.

Grian accidentally made eye contact with his father and even tho the king was smiling prince saw anger in his eyes. What did I do? What did I do? Can I fix it? "Could I please talk with my son personally?" Nobody heard how he said 'son' or just chose to ignore that. Grian was scared. The kings took them to a room, Grian stepped in first, his father just after him, the kings and Scar left. Grian turned to face his father. He wanted to say sorry for what ever he's done but was met with a hard slap. "How dare you?! Just going around with... with wings! You look like an animal! Put your cloak right now! You- you thing! You should be so grateful that the queen loves you. If I see you one more time with your wings out! I'll cut them off! You understand?!" Grian nodded. "Answer when I'm talking to you!" "Yes sir." "Good. And wipe of your tears. You look disgusting." King opened the door and walked off with a smile on his face.

Grian wished to disappear. To go somewhere where he could fly and not be ashamed of himself, where he could not hate himself.

He wiped his tears and smiled. After years of experience he's gotten better at hiding his pain or really any emotion. He walked out of the room and walked towards the stairs where everyone was. While walking past them he nodded, not trusting his voice not to crack. He quickly walked upstairs not looking back at someone who followed him. He already knew who it was. "Do you maybe want to go to my room? We can go through other stairs if you want." Prince nodded. He didn't trust himself to be alone right now. "Sure." They continued to walk up the stairs. 

They reached Scar's bedroom and walked in. "What do you want to do?" "Can we just sit in silence?" Scar nodded and towards his bed. Grian still stood near the entrance. "Come here." Prince tapped a space near him. "I want to cuddle." He stretched his hands towards the avian. Grian slowly walked towards the bed and sat down next to Scar. Elf immediately side-huged him.

"I want to tell you something." Grian looked at him confused. "I- I overheard what your father said and-" Grian began to cry. What a disappointment you are. Crying like a little baby. Grow up. That's why nobody likes you.

Scar pulled Grian closer to his chest, Grian now was almost laying on him. "Can I?" Scar gestured to Grian's hair. Grian couldn't speak so he simply nodded. Scar started playing with Grian's hair, it helped him when he was little so he thought it could maybe also help Grian. His hair was dirty blonde and very soft.

After a while elf couldn't hear crying. He looked down and saw Grian sleeping. Scar felt his face going red. I wish we could stay like this forever. Elf felt something. It wasn't a bad feeling but it wasn't the most pleasant one. Maybe I'll ask Mumbo about it. He just shrugged it off for the time being and continued to play with Grian's hair and admire him. He doesn't deserve it... I wish I could help him. Maybe when we get married he can stay with us. Marriage... He wasn't so against the idea now.


Hello wonderful people! I have no idea how love works! Help meeeeee!!!!

-Ollie :]

PS. I think most of my chapters will be about 800 words long. So not too short but not too long :] maybe

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