Chapter 10

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{Day 3}

Grian was in his room, laying on his bed. He loves me. He knows what's best for me. He only wants me to be the best version of myself. He loves me. He cares. I'm the problem. I should change. I should get better... It's all my fault. He's right, I am an animal. A freak. Grian stood up and walked to his bathroom. Prince stood in front of the mirror. He slowly took off the clock which he used to hide his wings. He spread them as much as the bathroom would let. I hate them. They're awful. I just want to cut them off. But Scar loves them. No, he doesn't. He only pretends that he likes me. He can't even stand me. Prince slowly closed his wings and put the cloak back on.

I should unpack my things. Maybe that will make me forget about it at least for a while. Grian began unpacking. He finished rather quickly. He didn't know what to do so he took out a pen and a sketchbook. Both of the things did help but he lost track of time. "Hallo? Can I come in?" "Sure." Grian put his sketches on the night table near his bed. Iskall walked in and sat down on Grian's bed. It seemed like they knew each other for years. "How are you?" Avian shrugged "Better than yesterday. What about you?" "I'm good. Spent a bit of quality time with my boyfriend." "You have a boyfriend?" "You sound surprised" Grian sat down next to Iskall. "I am. So... who is this mystery boyfriend of yours?" "You'll figure it out. I'm sure." "I order you to tell me." "You're not my prince or king." "I'll soon be!" Iskall laughed. "Well too bad you aren't now. Anyway, the reason I'm here. Dinner will be served soon so we better get going. We don't want to be late. Again." Grian stood up. "Then why are you still on my bed? Let's go."

Scar was going to dinner hall when he saw Grian and Iskall laughing at something Iskall said. Scar wasn't happy with how close the prince and his helper were walking. To not make things awkward elf waited a bit until he couldn't hear them. I will have to talk with him.

He continued walking. He reached the dinner hall and opened the doors, he walked to his spot at the table. If things couldn't get any more awkward between him and avian, they sat right next to each other so they just so often accidentally brush their hands. Both of them would quickly pull their hands away. Just like all the time since the prince arrived there was silence.

 Iskall finished first and wanted to wait for Grian but Scar had other plans. "Iskall?" "Yes?" "Can you please come outside for a bit? I want to talk to you." Iskall was scared. Scratch that, he was terrified. All the other times he talked with his servants Scar would smile a little or sound sweet but this time he sounded serious. "Of course." He stood up and walked out. What did I do? What do I do? What will he do? Will he fire me? Don't be crazy Iskall! That's prince Scar! He's one of the nicest people on earth!  "Iskall?" "Oh! Sorry." Scar smiled a little. "Let's go to my workspace." Iskall nodded. They walked into a big office-like room. There were papers and books everywhere. "Take a seat. Please." Iskall sat down and prince walked around a big table to his chair but he didn't sit down. "Soo... Iskall. You were assigned as prince Grian's servant. Right?" "Y- yes." Scar looked threatening like this. He looked taller than he is, the sun shining so brightly that all you can see is the prince's shadow, he looked intimidating yet his posture was friendly, joking-like. "I'll get right to business. I don't like how close and touchy you are with the prince. So please keep your distance. I'm not telling you to stop your friendship with him but..." Scar sighed and opened one of his drawers and took out a little knife. "I will torture you till you die and then put your little head in a frame and hang it on my wall!" Prince smiled while pointing his knife at Swede. "Consider this a threat. That's it. You can go. And remember... I have the power to kill you." Iskall's legs and hands were shaking but he managed to stand up. "Oh and before you go. Also, you can tell anyone you want. Who's gonna believe you?" Scar laughed. Iskall ran out of Scar's office. When Iskall left elf chuckled and played with his knife. I'm still gonna kill him. What if I made Mumbo do it again? How ironic it would be. Once again his life was threatened by the love of his life... How sad.

Iskall was running towards his and Mumbo's room while tears were streaming down his eyes. He entered their room and sat on his bed with his head in his hands. Should I believe him? Maybe it's just a false threat? He doesn't actually mean it. But I definitely will keep my distance.


Ello! Sorry for not posting for almost a week :[ Hope you're doing alright! Love all of ya!

-Ollie :]

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