Chapter 22

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{Day 10}

Mumbo took a deep breath and knocked on the giant door in front of him. The knock echoed through the big corridors. The door opened up. "What is it?" The man in front of him was inhuman. A mix of peasant and bird. A Godly creature. "Oh... It's you! How is it going down there?" 

"Taurtis fucked shit up again..." A gasp escaped the woman's mouth. Mumbo turned around. "Where are your manners, Mumbo?" The woman was dark. Like a shadow of someone who once was human, but the big, deep black wings behind her back said otherwise. "I'm sorry, Death..." Death sat down on the throne next to the man. "No need for the formalities, Mumbo! " The woman laughed. 

"Yes, Mother." Death opened her hands. "Come here. Give me a hug!" Mumbo stepped forward, he didn't even reach the thrones before Death stood up herself and pulled him into a hug, squeezing the life out of him. "Come here! Hug your son!" The man slowly stood up, taking slow and heavy steps. The man came closer and hugged both of them, savouring it. "Family hug!" 

After a minute they let go of each other. The couple sat down in their thrones leaving Mumbo to stand there. "Soo... How are things down there? You said something about Taurtis?" Mumbo wasn't sure what to tell them. Could they help him? Would they do a favor for him? Again...

"Taurtis... He did it again. I got angry and- Well... I can assure you, it won't happen again. But I need a favor." The man sighed. "Mumbo... You know we can't help you." Mumbo took a step forward. "But you are Life. You are the creators of everything. You can do anything." 

Death interrupted Mumbo before he could go on and on, about what they can and can not do. "That's not it works and you know it, sweetie... We might be the creators, but this will affect a lot of people. I am sorry. I know you only want what's best for your friends, but the answer is no."

"But-" Life raised his hand. "It's a no." An awkward silence was lingering. "How are things with Iskall?" Mumbo shrugged his shoulders. "It's adequate...He's been a little off, but we are alright." An awkward silence was there once again. "Maybe-" Death shook her head. "Alright..." Mumbo nodded. "I will be off then." Life sighed heavily. "Philza... Kristen... It was nice seeing you." He left the room, his cloak softly falling behind him.

"Maybe we should've helped him..." Kristen shook her head. "It's only for the best."

Mumbo wanted to feel angry. To feel anything... To show his emotions. But it was too late, he chose to freeze his soul. He chose to not fall into the trap that is emotions. Emotions only get in the way of achieving things in life... He always reminded himself that. Maybe it was the right decision. 

Mumbo came back to the garden, a nervous smile on his face. Just like always. He saw Scar sitting on the ground. He came closer and heard the man crying. Mumbo sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug. "What happened? Whare's Grian?" Scar lifted his head and Mumbo saw big bruises forming on Scar's face. 

"I'm scared, Mumbo... I-" Tears were flowing down his face like waterfalls. "It's happening again, Mumbo. He was right! I am the problem! I don't deserve to still be walking on this earth! He was right, Mumbo!" Scar broke down, short breaths making his head spin, the nails digging into his palm - making him bleed. 

Mumbo never felt so lost. What now? What am I supposed to do?  An idea came into his head. He didn't want to leave the prince alone but he wasn't sure what else he could do. Mumbo let go of Scar and stood up. He began running as fast as he could toward X's room. 

The castle never felt so big before, taking every last second he had. Mumbo reached Xisuma's room and without knocking, he busted in. "X! I need your help! Please!" The bathroom door opened. "X!" The person in front of Mumbo was looking at him worried. 

"Scar! He- He needs you!" X immediately ran towards his door and looked at Mumbo. "The garden, against the east wall!" X ran off and left Mumbo behind to catch his breath. 

X ran. They ran as fast as possible. Upon entering the garden they saw the prince pressed against a wall. X slowed down, so as to not scare the prince. They sat down next to Scar and carefully put their hand around Scar's shoulder. "Sh... It's okay... You are here and he's not. It's okay." X began whispering sweet nothings into Scar's ear. 

Even if Xisuma's voice sounded groggy and unalive, it brought the man comfort. It reminded him of the old happy times. He was so glad that his friend opened up more and began talking again. It was still hard for them, but Scar was more than happy for them. 

Scar focused on the voice of his friend, calming down. Scar and X were sitting and breathing, sucking in the dying leaf smell. Scar turned to look at his friend and in response X looked at him. Scar smiled weakly. X scanned Scar's face with a worried expression and touched one of the bruises on his face. 

"Ow!" X looked at him apologetically. Someone walked into the garden. X looked up. "I'll need ice. Could you grab it for me? I have some in the freezers in my room." Mumbo walked off fast. 

"What happened?" Scar wasn't sure what to say. "A lot..."


Hello my people! I am back with another chapter! Hope you enjoyed it :D

-Ollie :] 

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