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A girl lost her parents and she's sent to an orphanage making her life to be misery as ten members of HPSC tried to stop her from suing Pro-Hero Endeavor cause he's going to be a big Hero, but she didn't listen as she fully explains her case and got Endeavor to pay for the funeral.

Those members were furies as she'll never be allowed into any Hero Schools making her to feel her dream crackling as she ran to the Marthal of the orphanage and explains why she's crying and that all she did was tell the truth to the lawyer who took her case.

The Matron wasn't pleased with both what the child said and the child hugging her. She despises children and only took over cause it's been in the family for a long time. She calms her down with a lollipop that has drugs to make the children sleep.

The girl woke up and she fully saw that she's in her bedroom plus she remembers during the case she gave up all of her All Might stuff to her childhood friend/playmate for his birthday presents. Everything else that her parents and her own vanished into thin air somehow.

When she turned six, her Quirk came in finally, but HPSC claims her as the next Villain making her to shake her head as she's just a child, but she got slapped by them making the Matron to wrap her many tentacles around their necks for that fully.

She may despise the children, but she would never EVER harm them at all making her to hold the child with her tentacle and wait until the doctor arrives and explains the situation to him. They all have gotten arrested and lost their jobs for this fully.

The Matron calms her down and she actually fall asleep in her hold as she didn't fully mind the very many tentacles around her body actually. They both went back to the orphanage making the many children to call the Matron of it "Tentacle Face".

It's making the girl to defend her and explain why she had used her Quirk which got them to flinch as that's not a good thing to hear for any child if they want to be a full Pro-Hero in the far future actually as that's mean to say to any child.

"Us children aren't Villains! Sure, we cause trouble, but it's because we don't know better and our very parents explains right from wrong for us all to learn!" Many believed her and they're properly behaved making the Matron to sigh of relief at this fully.

The child gets bullied by those who don't believe her as her only childhood friend/playmate does the same at school and when she goes to see him. Her auntie can't look after her, but she's willing to be an emergency contact for her. The child doesn't get why.

'Why does he hate me?!' She told her auntie and she spanked her son's ass making him to wail as he doesn't know what he had done wrong until his mother told him. Plus she told him that his friend DOES have a Quirk, just doesn't know HOW to activate it.

The child looks down to their body as there on her torso over where her heart would be located in her chest was a starburst-shaped scar. And she has other faint burn scars on her shoulders and body. The children at the orphanage hates her fully.

Lots of those who believed her got adopted, but those who didn't, just bully and abused her making her to have a lot of scars on her body and the Matron sent them all to a military boot camp to learn a huge lesson. The child can't take it and she bolts to a forest.

She runs inside of it and not even seeing where she's going until she trips and falls down making her to sit up and cries as a whole lot of tears were leave her tear ducts making her hear something like a siren for either bombs or tornado.

She then saw something walking towards her as it's a 40-foot-tall humanoid creature with a heavily emaciated, near-skeletal frame covered in dried, mummified flesh the color of rusty metal. It's limbs are disproportionately long and thin with it's arms as long as it's legs, ending in huge, bony hands.

Where it's head and neck would be, instead a thin metal pole with a pair of acoustic sirens attached to it (hence the name) stretches up from between it's shoulders with black wires coiling around the pole and connecting the sirens to it's upper torso.

These speakers are the only metal parts of it's body, fused to the neck by tendrils of skin and capable of swiveling completely around, similar to the head of an owl. Some images depict Siren Head's speakers bearing toothy, lipless jaws and long, retractable tongues.

It's walking towards her and for some reason she fully wasn't scared of it as she cries while it reaches out for her with it's right hand. She ran to it and hugs it's thump as it picks her up before she fully shocked it by calling it one word you would say to a male parent.

It made it to be unsure on what to do as it can tell she's not scared of it at all which has it fully confused since it doesn't get why the human child isn't scared of it like the rest of the Human World and screams at the site of it whenever they see it moving towards them.

"PAPA!" The child shouts making it to bring her closer to it's chest and she rubs her head against it fully making it to be confused to what to do before it noticed a territory that's very large and unclaimed making it perfect, but he needs to legally adopt her.

'Since she's a human child.' It thinks as it heads out towards the Human World and it takes on a human form. The form has rustled metal color skin, a 7'6 height with casual clothing like a blue normal t-shirt, black shorts and a wrist watch with running shoes and ankle socks.

The form also has brown hair with purple eyes which's not normal, but seeing that the Humans have different colored hair and eyes that's not normal makes it easier to fit into the town as he follows the scent of the female child to the very orphanage she had came from.

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