Treehouse Home

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She felt her legs were strange now and weird as she looks down to the legs and saw that her legs were no longer even human legs anymore. They're a mermaid tail, but there's lots of cloud patterns on the sky blue colored tail like the sky above her head.

It's also was with a small ring of clouds near the end and a larger one around her waist. She went back to normal just by thinking of it with her mind making her to be relieved as her papa had came back from making the very long path.

"Time to eat, little one." She nods as he hands her the 'food' making her to look green in the face since it's human meat, but she would still take bites out of the 'food' as she fully knows she's in the very Cryptid Forest where they all eat humans.

'And I'm about to eat my very own follow human race now. But... If it's the only way to live in here and prove myself, I'll... I'll do it.' She thinks as she finishes her new 'meal' and shallows making her to not noticed that her body has now changed.

She has some muscles on her legs and arms, she has more height to her whole body and she's filling in all the right areas since she never had enough to eat back at the orphanage cause of the bullying and abused by the non-believer orphans fully.

Her hair's longer as well making her eyes to be very sharp and very clear while her IQ went up by the person's IQ being added fully into her own IQ. She also has a whole lot of strength as she noticed five trees that would work for her home to live in it now.

She fully removes the many trees around those five and she'll make sure to use them as the material for the treehouses as she did fully remembered about seeing a video treehouse build time-lapse and she loves it very much as she might make it twice the size and have two floors for each one fully.

Siren Head's shocked as it's new daughter has built herself a large multitude nest with bridges to get to each one, but the branches from the trees were still there to fully provided herself with shades and coverage from others. She even has a two-piece bed.

It's fully made out of the clouds making it to be cozy, fluffy, warm and comforting as there's a very strange sense of melancholy and nostalgia came over it seeing it's new daughter sound asleep on the odd bed. Well, bed's a loose term...

It's more of a Cloud mess. It just couldn't explain why the urge had came over it... It wanted to see just exactly how comfortable that very strange nest was. All it would even remember after going human was that it had leaned against it... And it's almost instantly asleep.

There's a very comforting and a very protective presence in the room, and it took it a good single moment after it woke up later to attribute it to it's daughter's own soul. It could only hope it's child wasn't too very upset by it's very accidental intrusion.

Waking up in her new bedroom was something new, but seeing her new papa in 'his' human form snoring against the side of her new bed was much more. Silently chuckling to herself, she carefully arranged the 'nest' around her papa and walked out the door of her room.

She didn't blame her new papa for testing the nest... It's own home's literally four territories away and quite uncomfortable to sleep in. If she could give her papa just some measure of peace and quiet by letting it nap in her room, she's fine with it.

She could only chuckle in the back of her mind when it woke up eight hours later during her calculus class and profusely apologized for the intrusion. She still goes to her school and her childhood friend/playmate's somewhat happy she has a new parent now.

The Matron has a picture for both of them making him to get confuse by it's human form's very causal clothing as it seems it went for a simple short walk down the block fully. She chuckles as she can understand that logic herself. She walks home as she needs to be back before dark out.

She loves her home, but she fully knows that her follow humans don't walk down this path every day, so she sent a challenge to six Yakuza groups and they accepted as each one gets ready to just walk through the forest to the challenge point.

All six groups have up to about at least five thousand members each. She saw the large Cryptid Spider territory and politely pulls on one of the web's strings making a large house sized spider to come down and see who pulls on it's web to see them.

She backs away up a bit and she didn't look away from the spider earning some respect from it as it's curious about this Human Child as they don't belong in the Cryptid Forest unless they're fully just been adopted, then that makes sense to them fully.

"Yes, child?" She slowly takes a deep breath and she then asked.

"Will anyone of you be upset if I take down the webs of those who don't have a spider to living inside of them?" The spider didn't expect that question from the Human Child.

"No. We wouldn't as it'll be just replaced by newer webs as the old ones are eating by our own species to recycle them. You may take them all fully down, youngling." She bows in respect and uses a stick to gently take the webs down.

They connect at the ends making it easier and when she felt one land on her head, she didn't move until it's safe making the mother to pick them up and heads back to the nest allowing her to get back to work as she continues to collect the many old webs.

She took down at least eighty-six humongous spider webs and bows before she left making her to think of making a braided bow string making her to be very careful as she only uses what she needs to make the string and how large of a bow she needs to use.

'I wonder if the braided spider web string will hold out for a very long time really.'

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