Kids vs their villains

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Izume didn't expect any Human adult with two child to just show up in her territory, but the man looks worried about something and he asked her to look after his two children making her to ask what she get's out of it to make it fair for both parties.

"Their custody." The man said to her before they left and Izume sighs before she moves them into their own rooms as the other Cryptids saw him enter and leave before a group of four enters and Izume blocks them off fast.

"IF THEY CAME FOR THE TWO CHIDLREN UNDER MY VERY PROTECTING, PERMISSION TO KILL THEM!" Izume shouts loudly making them all to smirk as this is going to be fun. All four fight the Cryptids as one of the males fully growls as he pounces onto the female Human.

He's species are knows for breeding fastly and he pulls her away to his territory where she'll never be seen again and Izume used her Clouds to give her Life Force Quirk making her to be good as 'dead'.

Izume even made sure she had hyperovulation and Izume created the Rapid Recovery Quirk, the Rapid Healing Quirk and the Undying Quirk making the woman to be unable to die and be used for many years to come fully making Izume to ignore it once she's done making those Quirks.

The chimera guy got eaten and the mummy one got dragged as he got split so many times that there's nothing left, but blood and a bit of flesh making the leader to be pissed as he glares at everything and harmed them badly that they all needs Nomu flesh to heal.

Izume had them sent as she still has the Nomu making many of the Cryptids to recover thanks to this as the man walks towards the twins making them to fully just use themselves as bait for him which had worked out and Izume knocks him down flat onto his front who looks up at her.

All he can see is her Cryptid arms and upper legs with her sharp teeth in her opened mouth and he can feel she's very strong making him to try and steal her Quirk, but she bites off his hand making him to freak as she ate it making him to be scared of her fully.

Izume used her clouds to steal the Quirks from Nine and then transform into orbs making her to have those in a treasure chest making her to have many there as the man's dead meat since the father got killed by the chimera of his group before he could take the Quirk from the man.

Kodai's in her Cryptid Spider form and holds him down as Izume looks to the twins and asked them what they want to do to the man and they asked if she's going to adopt them and she told them she told their father she would making them to look towards him.

Izume alters their teeth with her clouds to allow them to choice, but the brother went over and starts eating the rest of his arm making him to beg them to stop, but the sister, Kota and Eri joins in with him making the man to beg for his life as he eats eaten alive by the four children.

They ignore his pleas and kept eating him as clothing is removed by Kodai and then the rest is then eating by Kodai, Shinos, Monom and Izume as the four children go to nap time making the man to be no more as Izume sighs of relief before she tucks the four children into bed.

It took three weeks for Mahoro and Katsume to get use to eating Human flesh and Nomu flesh, but they got to the point they ignore it as Izume told them the laws and rules of the Cryptid Forest making them to nod to their new mother as life is different for them now.

Izume went to check onto them after two hours as she pleased them down for a nap and saw a note. It said: "Taking for a singing battle. I'm watching over them. ~Anonymous". Izume sighs as she doens't know what to do and just left it be for today only.

Kota, Eri, Katsume and Mahoro saw they were on a building's rooftop and saw three adult males before they recognized who they are to themselves before a female voice spoke up freaking all seven of them out fast.

"Whoa, easy there! Kids, you're mama knows you're taken for a singing battle, but not into an AU really. And you three, no harming them... Or else." The three adults shivered as they don't like the voice one bit actually.

"Who's first?"

"You go, kid."

"Fine." Kota walks up and starts to sing.

(AN: First things first, Overhaul, Muscular and Nine didn't leave after the four stick their tongues out at them as they saw them arguing and fighting each other shocking them as they had to take a step back scared)

"Whoa, whoa! Kids! You're mama's going to be having my flesh for her dinner if she knew I let you four just fight each other! "


"She's a Human-turning-Crytpid and eats Human flesh plus Nomu flesh as well, too. All four do as well, too all because of you three in their AU. *Sighs before I noticed...* Ooooh~ Kooootaaaa, you blushing at Muscular?~" Kota blushes and denies it making Muscular to be blushing l more.

"Ooooh?~ Then why's he blushing at you then?" Both shouts in denies making the voice to chuckle.

"Well... It's time to go home and before I forget, you won't forget this, but they will since they're on the run actually. The barrier will vanish once you four are back home. In ten seconds, so they have time to escape." All four went home and the three runs away.

Izume saw them in their beds and sleeping making her to see a good report on lots of paper and the gentle teasing that the person did making her to chuckle at the note as she nods and then burns it on the spot to hide the fact they went AU hopping for a singing battle against three Villains.

All four had fun as they wonder if they can do the same thing again making Izume to shake her head as that's a one time thing making them to agree as they went to casting more anthills making both Katsume and Kahoro to enjoy doing the many castings a whole lot fully.

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