Sport Fest Festival part 2

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Monoma Neito, Shinso Hitoshi and Kodai Yui are only Hybrids, but two of three are in danger cause of their own Hunter homeroom teacher. Nezu hopes he can fix something up and that's when he got an idea.

Class 1-H can be for the many Cryptid-Human Hybrids with All Might as their homeroom teacher. All Might agrees and only if he can pull it off for next year's students which Nezu can do easily as all Hybrids will be there fully.

"Plus a large city dormitory for them to stay in." Which works for All Might fully. Shame the five and Izume can't join that class this year.

'Maybe their children?' Izume had calm down enough to do some casting and got lots melted down from dumpster driving as the three spiders helps carries them all back home. Izume owes them, so she gave them each a left arm to much on.

Izume hopes that she's not forced to leave her own home fully cause Izume's worried that she'll fail and be taken away making her to not noticed that her papa's in his very human form and he's walking her to school making the teachers to see him.

Nezu invites him up to his office making the teachers to back off. All Might's the guard for that very meeting and no one can tell what's been talked about, but he looks furies making him to be fully just mumbling about stuff under his breath fully.

'It's like he has to warn a two sided Councilors or something like that.' Many of the students think as they watch 'him' leave and stayed out of 'his' way fast as Izume's now inside of her homeroom with her classmates. Bakugou saw her new papa in person.

Bakugou had saw nothing special about 'him' as he didn't know his parents are fully secretly Cryptid Protectors making the Hunters to hate them greatly as they hide themselves since they work with both the good and bad Councilors of the Cryptids.

They knew fully about Siren Head adopting Izume as his daughter and how she's taken to eating her follow humans just fine. Both of them worry as Nezu alerts them of six Cryptid Hunters in the school as he's fully part of the Cryptid Protectors now thanks to All Might fully.

It's time to start and Present Mic had Aizawa helping him out with it as all courses in the school came out as they're called out making Izume to freak a bit as she had to give the speech, but it got canceled this year for all three SFF yearers fully.

Midnight had the wheel spinning and it's the Obstacle Race making Izume to sigh of relief as she can do this making her to get ready and she's fast to get out of there before Todoroki froze everyone with his Ice side of his Quirk as he used her idea.

Izume fully dodges each and every single one of those ice-flame bomb Todoroki throws at her as she got to the robots and she's quick to jump onto them as Todoroki freezes them to fall onto the others. Izume jumps and does a perfect safety vault before she books it.

Izume then saw the ropes over a large ravine and she's quick to run on top of them as she fully keeps her balance on them shocking everyone as she's moving her body left to right and then back again before repeating it to stay on top of the rope.

Todoroki iced his way over and he saw her as he's wondering who she is in a different way then from Aizawa as he can sense the change inside of her fully. Izume saw the last one's a minefield and saw no choice as she rides a large cloud sea turtle above them in the sky.

Both Todoroki and everyone else's shocked as Izume got first place as the turtle went back home as she sighs of relief before she saw that Todoroki got second place with Iida in third and Uraraka in fourth as Bakugou's in tenth place fully.

Monoma, Shinso and Kodai are in fourth, fifth and sixth place of the festival making them to be closer to their chosen mate since they like Izume greatly. The next task's a Cavalry Race with three or four members and that first place gets ten million in points.

All three agrees and got to Izume as they asked making her to feel like she knows the three of them as she accepts their offer. Uraraka went with Hatsume Mei, Tokoyami and Ojirou as Iida's with Todoroki, Kaminari and Yaoyorozu as one team.

Izume panics a bit as she's up against her very own classmates making the three to gently calm her down fast. The battle begins and all three kept others away from her as Kodai had her standing on a gear that's twice the size it should be fully.

Monoma copies her Quirk and he sent large nuts to keep others at by while Shinso brainwashed them to hand over their headbands to him fully. Four class 1-A teams and six Support Course teams lost their headbands this way to him fully.

Team Hagakure, Team Mineta and Team Bakugou plus fully six other teams all got upset/furies as they fully turned to Team Midoriya. Kodai saw it coming and sent nuts to take the riders out fast fully as Midnight called the ten teams disqualified.

Todoroki would've taken Izume's headband if Monoma fully didn't move up and copied his Quirk as he blasted him with fire making him to use ice to make a wall and get out of there fast. Shinso, Kodai and Monoma had washes fully underneath them.

It's making them to be able to fully move fast to protect Izume as the Cavalry Race's over making Team Midoriya to still be in first place while Team Uraraka's in second since they managed to steal those ten headbands from them.

Team Todoroki's in third place and then lastly Team Kendo's in fourth place. The four teams advanced to the finals as games are out to play until the finals begin. Izume sighs of relief as she never ever wanted to do something like this ever again fully.

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