School Festival part 1

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Izume left a note for Overhaul to find her and the whole group left to the C-Forest as it's properly called since the A-Forest is for Angels, B-Forest is for Beast and D-Forest is for Demons. The hunt's on once again as no more Yakuza's in Japan ever again.

Sasaki noticed they're all moving to a forest and then he saw it close up making All Might to cover for them as Nezu moves the old man to the hospital asap. Izume hunts, but Eri saw her kill Overhaul fully herself thanks to Siren Head's help making it fair for Eri.

She feels truly free, but mentally doesn't making Izume once the hunt's over with, to play her a song on her ocarina and teach her making Eri to have fun with it as she has the same glowing ocarina as her mama's as she calls Izume fully with Kota.

Kodai's Mather while Monoma's papa and Shinso's daddy since Kota thinks the same thing. Togato got to see Eri at U.A with Sasaki making them happy she's safe, but Nezu has school work for the two children to do in his office like normal children should do daily.

Izume's happy with that since they need schooling and Ragdoll didn't see Kota at all which's a very good thing for Izume and him fully as she can't have him be taken from her at all. Eri has been fully eating human flesh and didn't look green from it.

It's the School Festival and Izume thinks a band would work fine making there to be a large singing competition between them with class 1-B plus Shinso joining in. Izume has the names and songs making it easier and Aoyama has the clothing covered for them.

Izume worries since she's actually close to changing as she noticed her voice has changed first before her hands as there's sharper nails with her hands looking rusty metal color. Slowly changing makes it easier to not cause the body to go into shock.

Izume's being careful as only the half-Cryptids helps her out with this as Eri and Kota will change when sixteen like she'll be seventeen. Siren Head's expecting her to look like him, but a Mic Head version since other versions who're fully subspecies of him are gone.

'But there's a change she'll be a female Siren Head actually.' Siren Head thinks as it's hard to know since this is his first time doing this fully. Luckily, he had All Might's godmother as a doctor to Izume actually. She said it'll take four years to complete it.

'So, my daughter would be twenty instead of seventeen when she fully changes then.' Siren Head thinks as he worries since her sexually organs changed to handle the very dangerous hyperovulation she had since she's been eating both the womb and the ovaries.

Izume went into heat too early (September fourteen) since she's still a baby in the Cryptid Laws making the Councilors to realized it's her Quirk making Monoma to go first and claimed her which took four whole days to calm down.

Izume kept low in training and then a week later after her heat vanished, she took a human Pregnancy Test stick and then shows it to All Might's godmother who used a Cryptid version and both said she's pregnant. Nezu let's her off training since Cryptids have short pregnancies.

Izume's careful as her stomach got bigger and bigger which Bakugou noticed. She's even feeling pain her lower back making Bakugou to help her to Recovery Girl who looks after her for the rest of the day. Monoma thanked him for that since Shinso told him.

Bakugou's finally told about his parent's secret job and fully about Izume since they told him about this. Bakugou need a week and thanks to being in a dormitory, it helps out, though he did tell both Kirishima and Ashido about it fully.

Both may have been shocked, but Izume's still their friend that she thought of their reactions and tried to be as Human as she can towards them. It's enough to still want to be her friend. They'll help Bakugou out as much as they can.

Izume's not mad since the three told Nezu and they're also shocked about All Might, Monoma, Kodai, Shinso, Tokoyami and Todoroki are Hybrids. Uraraka's finally told about her one sixteenth Cryptid bloodline making her to be fully shocked about this.

Izume has a very neutral Cryptid therapist for hiring which Nezu took which helps Uraraka get fully through this better. Izume noticed Ragdoll has found Kota, but didn't tell Mandalay as if she knew about her having Kota the whole time since he ran away to her.

Kota and Eri were fully thrilled to having siblings making Izume to chuckle as she smiles at the two. Izume's quickly losing strength and she can't stand up anymore making her to be on one of her clouds for the rest of her short pregnancy until she gives birth.

They're going to be doing a huge nursery themselves making Izume to laugh as it's already done, just needs to be decorated with fully making them to come up with ideas which Nezu encourages for their minds which Izume doesn't mind at all whatsoever.

Everyone's getting busy since they all have to pick the songs to sing and Todoroki picked "Rewritten The Stars" for him and Yaoyorozu which has her blushing up a storm from that fully. Izume giggles at the two since it's perfect for them.

She has one and got her mates to practice it making them to be red in the face cause it's too much for them making Nezu to chuckle cause he knows the song and he made sure everything's perfect for them all. Izume can even use her Quirk.

Bakugou, Kirishima and Ashido got one and it's a bit hard, but Nezu approves of it plus the kids will hear the kid friendly song ones outside more while the unkid friendly ones are more inside making it just perfect for everyone as they have kid friendly and unkid friend songs to sing now.

'I know what Nezu's doing and I approve of it fully.'

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