Summer Camp part 1

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Izume, Monoma, Kodai and Shinso are back home and Izume blocks the whole territory off as the other Villains are unleashed into their territory for a private hunt. All of them have no clothing or weapons making it to be fun for the four mates fully.

After the private hunt and no weapons needed unless Izume slits the throats to kill them fully. Tokoyami got permission to join them in the private hunt by the four making him to enjoy the thrill of the hunt plus an arm from that Nomu as well, too.

Tokoyami thanks them and left by his papa, Cartoon Cat making Izume to hate that cat as she let's Trickywi chase that cat around the territory making Tokoyami to fully laugh at his papa before the hunt starts. Tokoyami looks like a very cartoonish version of a bird.

Dark Shadow also goes toony once Tokoyami goes into his Cryptid form making him to look soo cute and adorable. Dark Shadow blush at those comments and he hides behind Tokoyami even more so. Izume chuckles as Dark Shadow eats human food.

Mineta tries to get Kaminari to use the pool to spy on the girls, but Izume isn't like the other girls as she has a training regiment for the guys with her as a life guard and Mineta got the worse of it more since she's in hail cloud mermaid form fully.

Training went as planned and she kept Bakugou from using his very Quirk in the race since it's fully cheating if you're not in the water fully as Nezu loves her training, but the six Hunters hate her fully greatly and she's recognizable plus she doesn't even fully care about it.

All Might kept them away for now since Izume's busy with training which's what Kaminari wants more making Jiro to see him fully improving his physicalness plus helping Izume out since his Quirk and water don't mix well actually.

Power Loader comes to check on them and sees if anyone wants some changes to their costumes before summer's over with which has many to do just that plus some support equipment like Kaminari for his Quirk plus he requested an electric guitar for Jiro with a mic.

Power Loader can fully see where Kaminari's going with those two as it'll be done making Jiro fully wondering what Kaminari up to as she's curious about this. Izume hides her chuckles mentally as Kaminari's going to be a 'hard to get rid of' boyfriend.

Two weeks later and they're now on their way to summer camp where All Might's to keep an eye on them all with Ectoplasm's help as Shinso's joining them. Nezu needs those days to find proof of those six and get them arrested fully.

Izume saw Kota Izumi and she felt a kinship with him like his her cousin as even he felt it also. Pixie Bob sent them sliding down and Izume's going to get her back for that. Izume feels how the forest works and got them all fully to the camp site.

Pixie Bob's shocked as All Might's laughing at her as it took them an hour to get there all thanks to only Izume who doesn't look sorry at all about it. Kota holds in a laugh as he looks towards Izume who winks at him making him to have a hard time.

It seems Izume and Kota are going to be getting along greatly actually and All Might left it be fully, but Mandalay wouldn't know that Izume has more rights over Kota as his maternal cousin than his paternal cousin a.k.a Mandalay herself actually.

Izume let's him test the waters first, but does warn about her papa making him to look green and he's still testing the waters since Izume's being up front to him about this fully which had gotten more of his trust cause of this fully.

Izume worries about Kota and she can't have him moving in with her if he's not going to be fully serious about it. This is a life changing thing and he needs to know about this all fully before he makes a huge mistake here. Luckily that she has three mates who'll help her out.

Kota still wants to be with her even after trying the raw human flesh just to see how it would taste before anything major happens. Izume's still worried as this is going to change Kota majorly no matter what fully and she's not sure if she can look after him.

Monoma calms her down as Kodai talks her through it while Shinso holds her hands. Izume feels much better after that as she's lucky to have them as her three mates fully. After two weeks, the camp's been attacked and Kota's up in the mountains.

Izume got worried and bolts fast as she needs to get to him while her three mates and Tokoyami keeps the camp safe. Izume saw Kota about to get hurt by a Villain making her to grab him as she moves out of the way. She saw it's Muscular and she's seeing red now.

Izume has never transformed into her Cryptic form yet since it's still forming and not ready for her, but she can't let Kota get hurt making One For All to respond to her will along with her Cloud Mermaid Princess Quirk making her to fully change rapidly in front of the two.

Her tail's twice the length and it's bigger, her height's bigger like fifteen feet tall and she has sharp nails with skin fully in between the fingers while her ears changed into spikes with skin in between them and yet still looking elven-like.

Her teeth are much  more sharper like a shark's making her to be very scary, but Kota's not scared as Izume's fully protecting him as Muscular looks scared before she has him trapped in a cloud and got Kota down to the ground as she fully just carries him back herself.

She needs to hurry since the forest is on fire right now and she knows that both her and Kota can put the fire out as she's not worried of him getting hurt since she's there to help him out with the fire and get it put out fast fully.

"Kota, let's put that fire out."

"Right." Both put the fire out and then got back to the others as this is not going to be an easy fight ever fully since Izume wants to capture and hunt them down back home.

'More meat. Yummy.'

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