Press Attacks School, but gets hunted instand

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Izume didn't even know about Bakugou's ambushed as she fully learned it in the morning making her to ask if he's alright. Bakugou grumbles cause he didn't see who caused it fully as they're stronger than himself before they'd fully blindfolded, tied and gagged him fully after dragging him into a classroom.

Izume hugs him as he looks like he needs one making him to accept just this once fully which Izume understands as she let's go of him after a minute as Aizawa starts the class and he talks about the class with All Might making him to be wondering about Izume.

'Who is she? Can't be Human, but she's not a Cryptid since our very devices would have gone off by now. Cryptids don't have human forms.' What the Cryptid Hunters don't know is that it's rare for the many Cryptids to even just go into their very human forms to mingle in the Human World.

Izume's an adoptive daughter of one and is slowly turning into one unknowingly as she keeps eating her follow human's flesh with only five rare Hybrids in the school which will make the three Cryptid Hunters be very confused as this a lot fully.

It helps hide the many Cryptids from them fully as Izume noticed the press six days later making her to be confused and ask what's going on making them to ask her questions about All Might which got on her nerves, but she sighs as she looks at them.

"You know? You all could have just booked an appointment to see All Might than bugging us students about him really." Izume said as she glares at them slightly.

"No! That's not what we asked! Tell us about All Might!" One had demeaned making Izume to hold her nose in annoyance at them.

"I have half a mind of calling the police right now and having all of your asses in jail for the very harassment of U.A's students." Izume said to them which they ignored before she glares harshly at them as that made them flinch at her as it's not a good thing for them.

"Look, All Might's a great teacher and taught us a lot about fights inside of buildings and we gave it a go. We learned a lot from this and hope All Might teaches us even more in his classes as he's more of a active teacher than the rest of the teachers.

And I haven't had classes with any of them yet to even make that statement true in words. Now that you got your statement on All Might that you wanted, leave the school and the students alone or else." Izume said before she walks away into the school.

Aizawa heard everything as it seems she knows how to get the press to back off for a while, but they'll come back and he knows it. He praises her on her slow calm manner with the press in class. Many were shocked at that as all of them were freaked out by them.

With Izume and Yaoyorozu being class president and vice-president, they focused on other things fully making Izume to sigh mentally as she noticed the small mental bond to her papa had gotten stronger which allows her to send her emotions to him and she can talk to him if very necessary.

She hides in a tree to eat her food since it's human flesh unaware three others joined her two levels up before they all saw the press fully breaking in making Izume to be growling as her teeth are showing. She has lots of clouds take many of the press into them fully.

One of them noticed someone had sneaked into the school for fully something making them to send a text to the principal about this. Nezu fully knows about the five and about Izume, but when told who's the Cryptid Hunters, he'll help hide the six fast from them.

Vlad King's one of them cause of his mother's death by one making it harder for two of them on this which Nezu doesn't blame them for. Izume has them captured and plans to have a huge hunt thanks to this. She had to fully stop cause Aizawa's coming.

She had the clouds hide in the sky as Aizawa deals with the rest of them who didn't noticed some of them are missing as she knows Nezu made an announcement that it's just the press and to calmly walk back to their homeroom to finish their lunches.

Many asked where she's been and she just said in a tree since she's use to eating outside making them to think a patio connected to her household which she'll leave be and just nod to it. Aizawa comes in groaning about press and how all of them are like wild animals.

Izume uses her clouds to go home since she can't walk through the territories of other Cryptids, she does leave them a note about the hunt that's about to happen soon today as she took the equipment and takes it apart to melt if she can making it to be perfect.

Izume hears the horn and blocks the way out behind them by her clouds as they all moved forward making her to get ready as she has a sheath for her two daggers now fully making it easier to carry the two around with her and not have the two be taken away from her ever.

Izume saw them and she starts to bow them down as her clouds just catch them as fully having a four acre territory leaves her and her 'allies' with a lot of food to eat as she bows them down in each acre before she got to the end of her territory.

She got back and took the clothing off and allows them to have fifteen each and she doesn't what to know what they do with the hairs from them. Izume skins and cuts them as she tosses the male human sex organs to them since she doesn't eat them at all.

Izume knows her papa has fully enough food to last him thanks to these hunts she's been doing as many gets food and the Councilors get the rest of the hunt to make it fairer. Izume had then noticed that those three spiders feel different to her fully somehow.

'I'll just leave it fully alone really.' She thinks unaware the three Cryptid spiders had went human and they're looking at her from their home shared web.

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