Pro-Hero License Exam part 1

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Izume's happy that All Might's going to be alright as All Might's own godmother healed him back to one hundred percent as she hand the device from I-Island to Nezu and Tokoyami did the same with the four robots from summer camp fully.

Izume let lose Muscular who kept getting eating by small Cryptids who's happy with the hunt as Izume doesn't want him fully. It took Kota four days fully before he ran away to them making Izume to settle him down in her house fast then.

Siren Head's fully shocked to be a grandfather already as Kota's now eating human flesh and some Nomu flesh making him to be very stronger. Kota's grandfather, Undertow's Izume's great-uncle since her grandmother, Arielle's his little sister fully.

Kota's happy being with Izume far more than Mandalay whom's fully looking for him right now. Izume knows Nezuz's going to let them keep their territory as they stay there while the others have a dormitory to live like, but poor Todoroki doesn't have a territory.

Dabi a.k.a Touya Todoroki got him one for when he's older as he's a good one and doesn't eat Human flesh as Hawks would eat it some times cause of his own instincts since he's fully a one fourteenth Cryptid making Dabi to be there for him.

Izume saw that Kota got into her casting hobby and Shinso kept an eye on him as he casted an anthill with both Kodai and Monoma helping him out with the pouring of the very hot melted Aluminum liquid making her to be surprised of how big it is fully.

(AN: It's triple the depth and twice the size)

Kota has a huge casting making Izume to have a picture taken and see if they can't put it in some museum to display for them plus Izume helps dig it out like she did with the other anthill casting they did as they had a whole lot of melted Aluminum used.

(AN: It's twice the length and triple the depth)

Both of the anthill castings were fully displayed by the Nawa Insect Museum in Gifu Park in Gifu which had a lot of customers coming to see both castings as of recent days since they displayed the castings on day one making Kota to be happy for that.

Izume's pleased with Kota's two casting as she let's him do more castings and he casted a large termite hill next making them to find one and then cast it making it to go to the same museum as the other two castings making Izume soo proud of him.

Izume wonders how big a anthill can get as she accidentally ate the Quirk Factor of that one Villain that can fill anything he touches with something. Monoma sensed for a mega ant city and Izume uses that Quirk for the casting, but with cement more so.

The Nawa Insect Museum accepts the new casting making it to be humongous and many came to see it and the new casting as well, too. Izume felt tired after that as she's still new to it fully and will be resting for the next four days until then.

Izume noticed that Tokoyami stays with his dad for half of the year to make it fair and on Halloween, he goes full Cartoony making her to watch out on that day fully. For the next two weeks, they're all learning about super moves for their Quirks.

Everyone noticed that six teachers got arrested and Nezu fired them as he got Hawks, Miruko, Ryukyu, Ragdoll, Kamui Woods and Mt. Lady got hired as their full-time replacements with they still doing Hero missions. Nezu made sure of it fully with a raise.

Izume, Monoma, Kodai, Shinso, Tokoyami, Todoroki and All Might sighs of relief as they feel more safe now than before. Izume looks up cannibalism and she found this making her to be shocked along with Monoma, Kodai, Shinso and Tokoyami fully.

"'And shockingly, Lee noted, there is no criminal prohibition on eating yourself or eating a part of your friend or family member that has been removed. In other words, if you lost an appendage or limb due to injury, there's no law against you or your pals chowing down on the flesh.'

What the actually?!" Izume said as this is not possible making all six to be shocked as Todoroki's happy not eating flesh of humans ever which Tokoyami agrees with since he rarely have to eat them since he can live off of fruits more fully.

Izume kept a lot of fruits for Kota as Siren Head looks after him for her while she's at school. Kota doesn't mind as he gets to look after the Cloud Hedgehogs. Izume feels like she'll get one more child to raise as her own. Kodai's Kota's Mather cause she has both.

Kota even did one more anthill casting and it's bigger than his three previous anthill casting ever making Izume to check it out later with him as Kota hands over the new anthill casting since the Nawa Insect Museum had to have a lot of renovations to hold them all fully inside of them now.

(AN: It's quadruple the size and it's triple the length)

Izume's shocked as that's a major casting and her papa helped him to get it out of the ground. No more anthill casting as that's too much and she'll be needing it for her own casting since she has a whole lot to do for trading and stuff.

Izume makes sure to have a lot of molds and some she got from form making it easier to make a homemade mold plus she makes a lot of unique stuff that trades her a lot of stuff for her home. More patio stones a must for the home.

She fills the cracks in with cement making it to be one huge patio stone from it fully making it easier to clean and wash. Kota likes how the place looks that he has his own cloud bed fully with a blanket as well, too like Izume which she likes how cute he looks inside of his bed fully.

'Soo cute! Heeee!'

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