Winter Intership

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Izume's tired of getting bored after she had finished the first diorama, but she's loving the diorama that she used her Cloud Mermaid Princess Quirk to make them in the image from her mind and then transform the clouds into it fully permanently making it to be down faster and easier.

Izume even goes for making a real sword as she places it into a Sword Museum. Izume made sure to fully have Monoma there to watch the kids to calm him down and it'll take another two weeks before he let's Shinso and Kodai near her.

'Or allow both Eri and Kota to even see their four little siblings.'

Izume even made a gift for Nezu's desk in his office making him to love it as it's amazing since it's making him to wonder if allowing her to be crafty's getting rid of her boredom which's what Monoma said it does making Nezu to be happy for this.

Izume also made a puzzle for both Eri and Kota to solve to keep their minds smart which they loved as Izume wanted to challenge them fully. Nezu even got one making him to love it as who knows that Izume got a thing for puzzles fully.

Shinso's shocked that Nezu had even allowed her to do this plus Monoma making him to see a happy mate as both Eri and Kota can finally see their little siblings since it's been a month since the quads were born fully and Izume sings a song again.

"Some deserts of this planet were oceans once
Somewhere shrouded by the night, the sun will shine
Sometimes I see a dying bird fall to the ground

But it used to fly so high
I thought I were no more than a bystander
Till I felt a touch so real
I will no longer be a transient when I see smiles with tears

If I have never known the sore farewell and pain of sacrifices
What else should I engraved on my mind
Frozen into icy rocks, that's how it starts
Crumbled like the sands of time, that's how it ends

Every page of tragedy is thrown away
Burned out in the flame
A shoulder for the past
Let out the cries imprisoned for so long

A pair of wings for me at this moment

To soar above this world
Turn into a shooting star that briefly shines but warms up every heart
May all the beauty be blessed
May all the beauty be blessed

I will never go
There's a way back home
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
May all the beauty be blessed

Wave good-bye to the past
When hope and faith have grown so strong and sound
Unfold this pair of wings for me again
To soar above this world

Turned into a moon that always tells the warmth and brightness of the sun
May all the beauty be blessed
May all the beauty be blessed." Eri and Kota loves how their mama sings as it's like a lullaby all by itself fully. Izume even had a good spider hole made for both Eri and Kota to hide inside of with their four siblings when other Cryptids come and fight them for territory.

(AN: The tunnel's longer times two and the secret room is quadruple the size to fit them all down there really plus the emergency exit's in Siren Head's territory to keep them even more safer if the place is about to fully collapse onto all of them)

Izume wants them safe and this is the best she can come up with fast. Monoma, Kodai and Shinso even agreed to it as it's perfect plus it's under the patio stones to fully keep them even more safer since no one would even think of look there for two children and four babies down there fully.

Izume knows about the Pro-Hero Internships, but as a mother primary of four babies and two children, she can't fully leave four babies just behind making Ryukyu to ask for all four making them to noticed she's actually a Dragon Cryptid hidden in just plain site making her to handle this Hero stuff.

Todoroki went for Hawks to be with Dabi as Tokoyami went with him as well, too as Endeavour's starting to get too much for him which Dabi agrees with as Hawks just laughs about Endeavour fully getting Karma and it's biting him in the ass which Dabi agrees with.

Ochaco and Asui went with her since they had her for their first internship together making Sir Nighteyes to not mind since he had to remove her from his agency to keep her safe during that time with Overhaul fully actually.

Ryukyu taught Izume a whole lot and she gave her time to be with the babies making both Ochaco and Asui to squeal quietly since they're soo cute making Monoma to blush at that since he didn't expect that from the two of them fully.

Both Kodai and Shinso chuckles since Shinso got Kodai pregnant with forty hundred spider eggs in a egg sack making them to have a whole lot of children to look after since they'll going to wait until Izume's twenty-four since each baby is a two-year break.

Ryukyu explains how smart that is fully since Izume gets to get use to looking after the babies during that time actually making the three to blush. Ryukyu just smiles as she's pleased that she gets to teach them a lot more stuff fully.

Izume captured fifty Villains and sixteen were Cryptids who were hungry and they don't live in the Cryptid Forest making her to sigh and just make a place that sells homeless Human Bodies if found on the streets dead making it to be better as this is just getting out of hand.

Ryukyu loves the idea as she fully doens't eat Humans making Izume to nod as she eats her food away from her respectfully as Hado's pure Human and doens't know when to shut up it seems as Izume knocks her out one time.

"Yeah... She's too much, but she does care may she ask way too many questions really." Izume hopes Hado doens't ask about her life or about her food fully.

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