Birthing Day

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Izume's looking after the written for Miruko for class just for today and then she felt it. Izume didn't know what had caused it, but she doesn't like it as she had just felt exaggerated pains in her stomach area and a blood curdling scream freaked out everyone.

The pain is making her to hold her six month long stomach making Bakugou to push her cloud after giving the stuff to Yaoyorozu and then heads straight to Recovery Girl fast cause of this making her to be in labor and Bakugou holds her hands since he went with her.

Cryptids have only about four to five months for their pregnancies, but because of Izume's nature and being adopted, Izume's going to be having a short one which's two to three months and a very short pregnancy by Cryptic Laws fully unusual.

Cryptid babies grow rapidly cause of this and with Izume's case, they grew very rapidly inside of her making her to look six months long when in reality, she's only three months long fully with her children which's causing her a lot of pain right now.

Bakugou got her to Recovery Girl and she's quickly to do a C-Section after an ultrasound had been done to figure out how many Izume's going to be having and Recovery Girl had Bakugou to stay to keep Izume calm and relaxed. Iida bolts into the announcement room.

"I, Iida Tenya, from class 1-A have an announcement for Monoma Neito, of class 1-B! Midoriya Izume, of class 1-A, is giving birth right now!" Iida shouts loudly into the mic shocking Monoma who bolts with Kodai and met Shinso on the way there.

Bakugou kept Izume very calm as Recovery Girl does her job. On the early mid-afternoon of December fourteen, twenty-one forty-nine, Izume had giving birth by C-Section to a healthy set of quads: two boys and two girls. Monoma's happy as he smiles down to his four children.

Both Shinso and Kodai stays back like Bakugou after placing Izume's hand into Monoma's own and walks away as Recovery Girl checks the vitals of Izume after the children's. She's happy to report everything's just fine and that nothing's wrong with either five of them.

She walks away into her office and stays there as class 1-A and 1-B wait outside since Monoma's in a high alert for trespassers right now, but Hagakure sneaks in and stays far from both the babies and Izume as she sits on the floor back against the wall.

Monoma senses her and saw she's staying away from them making him to not see her a threat. Izume had two boys and two girls inside of her making Monoma to let her have eight years break from his children since him, Kodai and Shinso agreed to this.

Depending on how many she has with all three, each baby's worth two years making it fair for the others to have a chance of getting Izume pregnant with their own children. Monoma let's Izume rest and he looks to his four children sleeping beside her in their own beds.

One looks like Izume, but there's blond highlights. One looks like him, but has green highlights. One has two tone, but has white in the front and the last one has pure white hair. Monoma wonders, but can see Izume does have white hair which explains it.

Monoma's going to be overprotective of them cause of this fully and knows it'll take two weeks for him to not be overprotective of her and his children. Izume might not like it, but it's how the male mates are plus Kodai's going to be the same fully.

Izume woke up and saw Monoma there as she can sense Hagakure is also in the room, she just can't see her cause of no clothing on her body. Monoma smiles as Izume feeds her children before Recovery Girl comes in and saw her up.

"Glad to see you're awake, Midroya. I had to do a C-Section to get the four out. Monoma, how many children can a female member of your kind have?" Monoma has to think for this one.

"I believe in the past, one had about sixty-eight thousands or millions of spider eggs inside of a spider egg sack. In this time of age, only about fifty hundred now really. ... You don't think she's a Spider Cryptid descendent, do you?"

"Hard to tell. Her blood works show she's a one ten hundredth Cryptid of that very spider you said that had sixty-eight thousand or million eggs in a egg sack. Her blood is soo thin that she'll never awaken that, but she might awaken webs coming from her wrist more.

Also, Siren Head's blood got into her somehow and I'm not sure how fully on that unless she has the answers to that really herself, we'll never know how." Recovery Girl said as Monoma looks to Izume who blushes, but has the look of worry in her eyes.

"Izume?" Izume looks away from the three as she doesn't want to say anything about it, but she has no choice in this matter.

"Izume?" Monoma asked as he's very confused.

"You know what my Quirk is, but I can transform it into anything and have it stay like that. I was loosing too much blood, soo I transformed some clouds into blood, but it's papa's blood since I didn't know I can do that really." Izume confesses.

'So that's where the Siren Head blood came from.' Recovery Girl thinks as Monoma hugs his mate making her to turn around and hug him back making Hagakure to see everything and hear everything as Monoma forgot she's here fully.

She left and explained everything making Shinso and Kodai to be shocked while the others were surprised by this as she can do that for emergencies only which works out for many actually as Iida realized she healed his brother and he's back at it. 

Izume's left alone to rest as she sleeps to recover as she'll be needing it for the quads making her to hope that both Eri and Kota don't get jealous of their younger siblings fully. Izume dreams as she wonders how'll she'll handle the babies than children more.

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