Capter:2 -Coming Back

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Kinn's POV:

"Yes finally. My baby brother is coming back."

Porsche has been running around the house the entire week and preparing everything for Porchay. He is going to return today. Everyone is supper excited. That little brat really did surprise everyone when he announced he was gonna complete his studies in Russia.

At first Porsche was totally against it and Thankun complained about his "son" getting lost in that big country. But Porchay was more determined than anything and so we had to accept his decision. Porsche and Thankun even cried for an entire week before and after he left. But now here we are, 5 years passed so fast and nothing seemed to have changed in this family. Porsche and Thankun became best friends which is surprising yet amusing . I finally proposed to Porsche last year and we are supposed to get married by the end of this year. Everything is going smoothly.  The business grew stronger, both the families are united and even bitter relation among us cousins has improved. Its weird to think that the major and minor family will celebrate occasions together but now that also happens. Everyone is happy. Well almost everyone. Who knows what my young brother is upto. No one can really tell what goes on in that crooked brain of his. But I really hope he finds his happiness.  Everyone deserves the person who will love you even if the entire world despises you.

"Ai'Kin, Is everything ready? Are all the things prepared? I don’t want any lacking while welcoming my baby." I was distracted from my train of thoughts by my sweetheart.

"Yes baby. Everything is already arranged. How can I make my baby disappointed!!." I took Porche's hand and kissed it. My baby looked so happy together and his eyes were glowing.
I hold him by his waist and pulled him closer. His mouth breathing heavily and eyes were fixed on mine. I caressed his chin with the tip of my nose and finally there was just an inch gap between our lips.

"Oii. You fucking love birds. We are supposed to pick Porchay from the airport. Don't just start banging each other before that. Save it for the night and let's go."  Thankun shouted and Porche immediately pulled away blushing. 

"Fuck you...dumbass," I cursed under my breathe but Porsche took my hand and we  headed out to the airport. Though Thankun wanted to have a grand welcome at the airport but Porchay gave him a warning that if he had done so, Chay will return from the airport and never come back again. It's rare to see Thankun agree so easily but I guess he really missed this brat. So only me, porsche and thankun are going to the airport to pick him up.

Porchay's POV:

As soon has I landed at the airport, everything seemed nostalgic. The same place, the same type of people, the hastle,the languay,even the smell of the air was familiar. It did feel like I have come back home. 5 years ago I decided to leave this place. Yes, I do sometimes miss the people and this country. But I don’t regret my decision. I have come back stronger and powerful. I have grown into someone I always hated. But this world is nothing but a board of chess game. And I'm a King in this game.

I took some time and prepared myself for the overflow of emotions that I will recieve soon. After cooling my head, I took a deep breathe and headed towards the door. As soon I stepped outside,  I saw a banner 'Welcome Home' written and standing infront of it was none other than Thankun. I told him not to do anything extra but Khun being his usual self. Atleast he didn’t bring any drumbs or bands or any welcome show or whatever he called it. I guess I should be thankful for that. My brother was walking to and fro and biting his nails. I chuckled. He does that when he is nervous or excited. Phi'Kin was trying to calm him down.

As soon as Phi saw me he ran towards me and hugged me tight. He was so happy that he started crying. Phi was so warm and I felt at home feeling his warmth. He's my true home and my family. Well everyone from both the family did visit me during this 5 years. But the last two years everything was hectic. I had my studies and my plans were staring to commence. So I made excuses and told them not to visit. Phi'Khun soon joined the hug and all three of us fell to the ground. Both of them were sobbing like babies. And this made us get a lot of stares from the people. Phi'Kin was standing a bit far and smiling at my situation. Well that didn’t really help the situation.

"Alright Phi. You can stop crying now. I'm right infront of you."

"You little brat. How dare you leave me and go to that cold and damp country. Do you even know how worried I was? Every moment I was worried about you. Don’t you dare leave me again. I'll kill you." Phi was ranting but that made me happy.

" Yes. Porsche is right. You are not going anywhere. We are gonna stay together from now on. We will watch series and movies like before. We will go to clubs and party till we drop. And I will personally style you,my baby and make you irresistible. "

"Baby?Phi'Khun look at me. I have grown up so much and that too so handsome. I'm already irresistible. Back there both girls and boys would fight over me 😏."

Both my brother and Phi'Khun looked a surprised but who knows why. I'm handsome and I know it. But before anyone of them could say anything Phi'Kin interrupted and pulled us up. I greeted him and he hugged me. Phi'Kin is a nice person and I'm glad he loves my brother so much. I'm happy for them. Soon after the Victor arrived.  He bowed a full 90 degree and payed his respect. He had his brightest business smile on his face.
What an impersonator. The bodyguards load the bags and we started for the mansion. That mansion is a place where the people I love live. But it is not my home. My home is the Kittisawat mansion. That's where my soul lies.

Author's POV:

As they arrive at the mansion, everyone came and greeted Porchay. Everyone was happy to see the young boy grow up and finally home. But the meet and greet was kept short. Porchay was tired from the long flight and Kinn suggested for him to rest. The room in which Chay used to stay was kept intact by Thankun. And Porchay headed towards it.

The entire walk towards his room, someone was watching Porchay. Someone's eyes were fixed on his every step. Chay felt the gaze but didn’t pay attention to him. Afterall if something goes wrong he coul have easily killed the person. "It was as easy as killing a fly."


Author: Can you guess who the mysterious person is?🤔🤔

I can't believe 50 people read my fanfic already and 7 people voted.... I'm so happy😭Thank you very much for reading...... If you like this chapter please leave a comment.... It means a lot to me. All my love to my readers❤️❤️❤️❤️

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