Chapter: 27 -The End

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"Phi I love him. Please don't hurt him. I will die."

"Huh? You are willing for die for that stupid, heartless guy who hurt you, turned you into this ?"

"Yes Phi. I would even die a thousand times if it means staying by his side."

"So, you care of this new guy and not care about your own blood? How could you Porchay? I'm disappointed."

I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I knew my brother would be disappointed in me and be angry with Kim. I also knew that Phi will try to talk me out of this. But I can't let Phi hurt Kim. How can I let anyone hurt him when he almost died for me just a few days ago.

"Phi...please calm down. I know you are angry. And if want to beat me, you can. But please...don't hurt Kim...I beg you."

I kneeled down in front of my brother folding  my hands and begging him to calm down.

"You can't be with him Porchay. And that's final. He doesn't deserve you and I will most definitely not allow you to be with him."

Phi's words were stabbing my heart and I knew what is coming after this. The thing which I fear the most.

"Phi..I can't live without him."

I pleaded one last time but there it was. Those words from my brother's mouth completely broke me and my confidence.

"Today you have to choose...Me, your brother or Kim, some outsider. "

Phi stood up and turned his back to me. My world was going blank and everything else was becoming dark. Nothing was making sense anymore. There was no way I could choose between the most important persons of my life. There was only one option left now.

I walked to my brother and hugged him from the back and walked right out of the house. I could hear my brother screaming in disbelief. Maybe he's thinking I am leaving him for my lover. But how could I ever do that? I can never choose. I'm not strong enough for that.

I went straight to the back of the house where there was a huge lake which was frozen. The snow had once again started to fall making everything white.

I took out my gun from my back pocket and unlocked it. The choice was clear. If I die,everything will be okhay. I can't hurt either of them. I can't watch them suffer while I am happy. So the only way was for me to die. I know it's a real selfish and coward move..But I have chosen this option for me..I give up..

I place the gunpoint on the side my forhead. I was looking peacefully at the lake as the wind blew, my final moments in this world. I closed my eyes remembering the faces of my family, the people I loved the most.

My finger moved to the trigger. But as I was going to shoot, there was another gunshot from behind.

I opened my eyes in surprise and turned back to see the source of the sound. It was my brother who had actually shot a round in the air. And beside him was none other than Kim, who could barely stand up properly, breathing heavily.

Both of them ran towards me. As Phi reached me first, he slapped me so hard, causing me to loose my balance and fall to the ground. He kneeled down and hugged me crying.

"How could you even think of doing that?"

Tears started to roll down my eyes again as I looked upto Kim who was too surprised to even say anything. I tucked in my brothers shoulder as we both cried our hearts out.

"I couldn't do it Phi...I can't choose..I love both of you soo much..I'm sorry..Please don't hate me."

"Ssshh...don't cry are my good boy don't need to choose..Phi is sorry..It was my fault...I wanted to test how strong your love was."

I looked upto my brother confused as he gave me a smile and signaled Kim to come close to us.

"When Namphueng was pointing the gun at you, I was way too much shocked to do anything. It was my duty to protect you. But this idiot right here didn't hesitate to become a human shield for you. That was when I knew how much he truly loves you. But I also needed to know about your feelings. However, now I'm assured."

Phi let go of me from his arm and held out my and Kim's right hands and put it together.

"From now on my baby brother is your responsibility, Kim. Hurt him again and I'll come for you..And I assure that you won't be spared for being my brother-in-law."

Kim smiled at my me and facing my brother he firmly promised,

"Even if it costs me my life, I will always take care of him."

"Oi don't go taking about dying now. Finally everything is settled. We need people to celebrate."

"Ai Kin, where did you drop from?"

Phi exclaimed looking at his husband who was standing and shivering behind us.


"Just speak, you bastard."

"Who do you think brought Kim here? And how dare you call your husband a bastard? I'm hurt wifey."


We all looked at each other and it was a long warm hug. All four of us were happy and together. Though we did almost freeze to death in the cold air, but our hearts were warm.

........................   "The End"..................... 

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