Chapter :7- Loneliness

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Porchay's POV:

I woke up in the bed from all the sunlight. All tucked in and comfortable. But suddenly everything that happened last night flashed infront of me.Evey detail,every word that came out of my mouth rang in my head. I was so damn embarrassed.

"Fuck what am I gonna do now?"

I pulled off the blanket and I'm sure I was naked when I fell asleep. So he must have cleaned me and dressed me up. My cheeks started to get even hotter as I remember everything. I scanned the room, but Phi'Kim was nowhere to be found.

As I was coming down the bed, the main door opened and Phi'Kim entered with a tray of food.

"Where are you going? You need rest."

He put the tray down and make near me and checked my temperature.

"The fever's gone. But you still need to eat and take your medicines and vitamins."

"Um about yesterday...I..."

"It's okhay. No one will know. I already had someone  informe Thankun that you are at a friend's house. You can stay here till you get better."

"I wasn’t talking about that. And you know it too. Don't act fool around me."

He didn’t look back at me and went to grab the food.

"Eat. You need your strength."

Fuck. What the hell. Is he just gonna ignore whatever happened between us!!! That basterd. I was so angry that I couldn’t even stand to breathe the same air. Yes I have anger issues. But this was just too much. So I got up from the bed and grabbed my clothes and went inside the bathroom. I tried to calm myself down, I really did. But this jerk really knows how to get on my nerves. Aish, fuck it.

I got dressed and as I came out, I grabbed my things and started to walk towards the door.

"Porchay.... Wait.. You can't go out."

He grabbed my hand but I shook it off.

"Don't touch me. I don’t need these fake care. You can't manipulate me anymore. And one more thing, don't ever meddle with my business. "

"Wait...Just listen to me."

"If I am dying, just let me die. Anyways it wouldn’t matter to you if I live or die. So stay away."

I could see his eyes blank. No emotion, no expression. Just blank . He just stood there. See doesn’t really matter. I quickly left the hotel and rode my bike and went to my home. Not the Therapanyakul mansion, but the Kittisawat house. Even after all these years Phi'Por had kept this house as it was. Though now it look fancier but it still is home.

As I entered the gates and parked my bike, my peace instantly returned. Every memory started coming back to me and I couldn’t help remember the good old happy days. I layed on the sofa and closed my eyes. But fuck my life. The peaceful moments never last long. My phone rang.

"What is it?"

"Porchay Krub there will be a transfer of good from the Italian godown tonight."

"Get your most skilled men ready. We will destroy the godown and the goods."

"Krub Khun Porchay."

"We move out at 9."

Author's POV:

As Porchay left the room, Kim felt dizzy and fell to the ground. His panick attacks started again. How could say tell him to let him die.

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