Chapter: 5 - The Rat

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Continued from Chapter:4💥💥

Come out.  I know you are there."



"I didn’t mean to follow you. I just..."

"It's fine. I don’t need any explanation. "

"How have you been?"

"Fine. And you?"


Chay took one last puff from his cigarette and threw it away. As he started to walk away he looked back

"Wanna come?"

I was taken aback a little. I thought he didn’t want to see my face.

"I.... "

But the moment I was going to agree, my phone rang. It was Big, my personal bodyguard.

"I'll have to pass. Enjoy."

I smiled at him and he walked back into the club.

"What is it?"

"The date of the shipments have been confirmed. The Italians are on the move. And.."


"There seems to be another third party involved ."

"Send me the details and find out about this third party."

"Krub Khun Kim."

Meanwhile on a distant ship

"Sawadee Kha Khun Tenshi."

"Ara Ara. Who do we have here? The second leader of the Italian group Khun Tinnasit himself."

"It is an honor to meet you. Now can we get to business."

"Well before that let me introduce you to our most trusted member. Namphueng Therapanyakul."

"Trusting a Therapanyakul are we?"

"You are still new to this business. Your father trusts her and so do we. Now lets get down to business shall we. Namphueng, share your information with us."

"Anakin and Porsche have reached out for the assistance of the Suppasits. They are going to track down the shipments dates and wipe out the Italian and Japanese family. They have the information about the dealers and to where the goods are being trafficked to. But what they don't know is that their every move is being watched. They will be killed even before they know it."

"Why? Why are going against your own family?"

"What family? Khun Tinnasit you are being naive . I never wanted a family. All I want is to be the head of the Therapanyakul empire.I only got married so that my sons could take over my brother. But my useless sons are just a burden. I could care less about them.  I don’t care whoever gets killed in the process."

"Very good. You have the support of the Japanese clan and I asure you, you will get the power you desire as long as you are loyal to us,Namphueng.

" Kha."

"The plan will remain the same. Khun Tinnasit, your father and you will continue your trading with the Therapanyakul and with Namphueng's help get into their entire system. As soon as we have their internal information, we will wipe them out."

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