Chapter:11- The party(2)

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Porchay's POV:

What the hell is going on here?Why is Phi'Kim like this? And Phi'Khun knew?

All these questions started popping up in my head and I couldn’t even keep track of them. But what worried me the most is this person holding onto me so tight and shivering as he repeated the same words.

"Porchay please don't leave me."

"Phi I'm not going. I'm right here."

I tried to convince him many times but it was as though his mind was in a black hole, lost and broken. My heart aches seeing him like this. I don’t want him to be like this. Even though I hate him, I never once could think of him getting hurt. I just couldn’t.

"Phi its okhay. Look at me."

I cupped his face in my hand and looked straight in his eyes filled with tears. I kissed both of his eyes and place a small peck on his lips. He seems to have regained a bit of his consciousness.


"Yes I'm here."

"Please stay with me. I'll die without you."

Kim begged me and my aching heart ached more.

"I'm sorry. I'm being a burden to you.
I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm so sorry."

Kim hugged me tigher and his tears were running down without any stop. His shivering increased and he gushed for air.

I slowly lay him down on the bed and I layed down with him. His head on my chest and his entire body wrapping around mine. He was like a koala stuck to me. I giggled a bit at my own thought.

"Sssshh...Its okhay. I'm right hear."

I patted his head and drew small circles on his back. He sniffed my neck and maybe my smell calmed him down. But he was still sobbing.  I never knew Kim Therapanyakul could cry like this. He's just like a baby who lost his favourite candy.

"Ssshh..Don’t cry anymore..Sleep."

" will be gone when I wake up. You are just another mind projection of Chay."

I was a bit taken back after hearing this. How many attacks did this guy have?

"Did you see me often?"

"Every night for the last 6 years."

"6 years. Even before we brokeup?"

But there was no answer. There was only a calm breathe on my neck. He fell a sleep. Kim looked so peaceful and just like a baby when he was sleeping. Those puffy eyes and red nose and squeezy cheeks. He's so adorable.   Gosh this devil is way too cute and handsome for me to handle. How come no one hit on him in all these years?😑

I watched hin for a long time that night and with time I also fell a sleep. It was so cozy and warm. I had the best sleep in a long time.

It was 5 in the morning and someone woke me up. As I open my eyes, I saw  Kim still asleep peacefully. It was a relief. As I shifted my eyes to the side of the bed, someone tall was standing there. It was Thankun.

"Sawadee Krub Phi. He's alright now."

"I can see that. Thank you for staying but you need to leave."

"But why?"

"What why?Are you dumb?He'll wake up soon."


"You can't be with him. He'll think you came back to him and he'll be delusional. And when you leave he'll try killing himself again."

"Again?What is going on with him?"

I was so confused. Why did Phi'Khun try to keep me away from Kim. And he tried to kill himself before? I never once heard about that. Generally I was informed everything about the family. But never once I knew about this.

Phi'Khun dragged me out of the room. But before leaving I checked on Kim once more and tucked him in more comfortably.

"What is going on Phi? Why was he like this?"

Thankun didn’t answer and I was growing impatient.

"Please tell me."

I begged him.

"Kim" Khun took a deep breathe.

"You know Kim was always different and secretive.He maintained a distance. He was never close to anyone. But when he fell in love with you, he started changing. And at the same time he knew he had to let you know.He wanted to keep you safe and that dumbass did what his brain told him and hurt you and himself in the process."

Khun looked down and this is really the first time I saw pain and tension in his eyes. The happy and glam queen Khun was nowhere to be found. And he continued.

"I don't know what happened between you two. But after you left, Kim lost his santity. He became an alcoholic and started taking drugs. One day Big found him over dosed on some type of anti depressing drugs and he was in a coma for weeks . But no one knew from the family. Even I got to know this after a very long time."

I couldn’t beleive my own ears. Everything Khun was saying was impossible. Not in a thousand years I could imagine Kim trying to kill himself.

"But that wasn’t the end. That idiot brother of mine tried to take his life a couple of times and he almost succeed almost everytime. So I sent Big to Vegas for his help. Vegas was the onmy person who could have helped him and he took Kim to a physiatrist and from then on he had been taking pills for depression and anxiety. That's all."

I stood there listening to everything Khun just told me. But something didn’t add up.

"If you knew, why didn’t you bring him back to the family?"

"I cut my ties with him the same day you left.What he did to you was unforgivable."

Thankun said is so casually that I swear I could punch the shit out of him at the moment. How could he leave Kim like that?What if something had happened to him?What if he had...

"He wouldn’t die."

Thankun spoke again and I looked up at him. It was as if he read my mind.

"Oh you silly boy. Ofcourse I love you but I also love my brother as much. Nothing would have happened to him. I placed Big as his shadow for my replacement."


"No buts. He's doing much better for the last two years. But Porchay before you start feeling pity for my idiotic brother ,ask yourself whether you can trust and love him again. Don't give him false hope.

Oh and that idiot will still push you away. He would rather die then see even a scratch on you."

I knew what Khun was talking about. Its really surprising that the only person who understood and knew about love the most in this family was Phi'Khun. I needed to sort out my feelings and my mission first.

"I understand Phi."

Thankun smiled and waved his night robe and announced his departure. Why announce? Well he was the glam queen after all.

Author: OMG. I can't beleive my fanfic has already 5k views😭😭. I started writing at the beginning of this month and I couldn’t even imagine the love I recieved. Thank you everyone so much. 🙏🙏

I wasn’t going to upload any chapters till tomorrow. Well cause I was being lazy. But after seeing the views I pushed myself and decided to give a small thank you gift to my readers.💙💙

Thank you everyone so much. And thank you to those who are reading my story from the very first day. It means a lot. I love you guys so much.😘😘

Love Ara❤️❤️

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