Chapter:24 - The Rescue(2)

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Kin's POV:

We boarded the first flight in the morning and arrived at Moscow..The country was way too much damp and cold..My husband hated this kind of weather..But that's not the important thing here..We need to rescue them safely. That's our first priority.

But I wonder how will he react to the facts that his brother was the one leading this rescue mission. And on top of that he was a mafia leader...Porsche is going to be so angry..Even I still can't beleive that all of these things are true..How can Chay be The Bishop? Why would he be involved in these things? But I guess we will know all these answers eventually.

Landing in Moscow, we met Pete and the rest of the people at the airport.They had also arrieved on the previous flight....Pete, who was holding Paris and Venice, ran into his husbands arms and cried his heart out..The air was tense and everyone was worried. My anger was beaming my head and I can't wait to tear those motherfuckers apart..How dare they even lay a finger on my husband!!

But soon after, we were divided into two groups. Porchay's men took Pete, Thankun and the rest to his house while we accompanied by Victor and Porchay were taken to his safehouse...or it may be called his main house of operation..

As we arrived at the house, a bunch of bodyguards and young boys in their early 20s bowed their heads and greeted their leader. Every corner of the house was well protected.
We went to our designated rooms to freshen up and get ready. I prepared myself and went downstairs into the meeting room, where everyone was waiting.

"So we all know the plan..We will carry it out accordingly.. I have explained everything to the men and no mistakes should be done..All the groups will do their assigned jobs and rescuing Phi and Macau is our priority."

All the men shouted in unison and we just nooded our heads. Soon Porchay clicked a button on the back of the table in the room and a secret door opened. We followed Victor and enetered the room..It was filled with all the high tech weapons...the best kind.

"You can take whatever you want..Choose you weapon."

It was weird taking orders from the youngest but I was even ready to bow infront of anyone
at this point who could save my family.. Everyone armed up and Vegas choose the biggest and the strongest gun..He was going to go berserk.

We proceeded according to our plan and it was show time..We arrived at Ivan Aleksandar's mansion and broke into it fighting all the bodyguards. Our arrival was already predicted and they were prepared..But we pushed through their defense and me, Vegas and Porchay along with our bodyguards headed to our destined point.

We killed and injuired all the bodyguards and kicked open Ivan's door, where we were greeted my Ivan himself and surprisingly only two bodyguards, who didn’t even seem strong.

"Welcome...I have been waiting for you all."

I ponited my gun directly at Ivan's face but Porchay walked in between us.

"Where is my brother?"

"Not so easily, my dear boy."

"Ivan.. I'm not in the mood for any games..You are destined to die in my hands today.."

"Well yah..I know that too. It was after a the deal."

"But kidnapping my brother wasn’t a part of the fucking deal."

Porchay was shouting at Ivan and a these shit was really testing mine and Vegas's patience.

"Brother? What the fuck does that mean, Porchay?"

I was really confused and angry..Just how many more secrets did this body actually hide from us!!

"Let me tell you...It's a really fun story.. So it a started when..."

But before even Ivan could speak Victor came in from behind and shot the bodyguards who were pointing their guns at us and Chay shoot Ivan in his forhead. The lifeless body of the so called greatest mafia was lying right infront of us..

"Wait, Porchay... What is all these about? "

"It's a past no one needs to know.. All you can know is that I promised Ivan that I will kill him today and save him from this miserable life."

What the fuck was this boy rambling about!! I swear, I would have definitely punched him a million times already, only if my hands were not tied.

"Fuck all these...Take me to my brother, right fucking now."

As Vegas growled in anger,  Chay walked to the corner of the room,opening a secret door behind the cupboard. We followed him and found Macau unconscious lying on the floor. But Porsche was no where to be seen.

"Vegas..take Macau and leave..He needs to be taken to the hospital  now.."

Vegas just nodded and left with Victor and some of our men.

We walked right into the hallway again, looking for Porsche and fighting with the other side..The Italians had stopped fighting as Code did his job and ordered his men to return..Code, Jeff and their men were gone from the site and yet men kept on attacking us from all sides..Who the fuck was controlling them??

Porchay and me seperated into groups and continued our search individually...

Author's POV:

Kin and Porchay were seprated and kept on their fighting. Porchay knew that the main mastermind was still roaming free in the house controlling everything. And it was none other than their mother..He also knew that Porsche was with her.

"I have to save Phi as soon as possible..Everyone check every corner of this mansiom and tear it down if necessary. But I want my brother safe and sound."

Porchay's men nodded and scattered keeping on search, as their leader had ordered.. The number of enemies were decreasing gradually. Yet there was no sign of Porsche or Namphueng.

Porchay ran from one hallway to another, until his eyes landed on the  first floor where a half conscious Porsche being dragged through the main hall very sneakily along with their mother leading the men..Porchay ran downstairs and blocked their way..
Author: Hi everyone.. I'm sorry for this chapter not being so well developed 😭😭 But I promise the next chapters will be good..So please keep on reading the story till the end🥺🥺

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