Chapter :4 -Encounter

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Author's POV:

As Porchay entered his room, he felt someone's presence and immediately pulled out his gun.

"Come out, whoever you are."

"It’s me."

Porchay lowered his gun as he saw the person and relaxed. He quickly went out to put the no disturb sign outside his door.

"Are you back for good?"

"Are you kidding me? You know I never will."

"How long are you gonna stay?"

"2 months and everything will fall into place."

"The supplies are ready. You can take them whenever you want."

"Thanks Phi."

Note : Can you guess who this person is?😁

The person soon left and Porchay settled down and took rest for a couple of hours. After sometime the Minor family arrived.  Pete excitingly hugged Chay and baby Venice and Paris were very happy to see their favourite uncle. However Macau was very jealous and was pouting as to how much the babies gave all their attention and love to Chay as soon as he arrived. Well Chay might have become a handsome young man, but he was very cute. Cute and handsome yet deadly is the most dangerous combination a person can have. And Chay wore these qualities like a crown.

Soon after the meetup was over, all the family members had lunch. Porsce and Thankun wouldn’t leave Porchay's side, not even for a second. Everyone was laughing and having a great time. Well almost everyone. Kim was observing these scenes from the shadows. He felt lonely and left out.

"Maybe even if I disappear or die, no one will think of me, especially  Porchay."

Kim thought to himself. No one had really seen him or heard from him after the death of their father. Kim had his own organisation. He ran his own hotel business and also had a hidden group helping his brothers from behind the scenes. Kin and Vegas might have attacked their enemies upfront, but Kim took out the big snakes without any trace. He was like the eagle who takes out its prey but with beauty and grace. Hunting was an art. And Kim had mastered this art from his childhood.

After lunch,  the kids were already drowsy and were taken to their room by their fathers. Thankun dragged Chay to his room for watching series. He even dismissed Arm and Pol and ordered them to return to their room.

"You both can go. I don’t want to see your boring faces anymore. My precious baby is back. Come Chay, we will spend our quality time." Thankun ordered.

"Oh and yes, Porsche tell Yok to book the entire club for the next 2 days. We will not be leaving the place." Thankun flips his furry coat and took Chay's hand and headed to his room.

Porsche and Kinn, looked at each other and signed.

"Looks like its gonna be a choas from now on."
Kinn sighed

"Yah. But I can't blame Khun. He is very happy. Come on let's finish the meeting with the Suppasits."

Porsche wanted to get this meeting over as soon as possible. He wanted to be with his brother all the time.

After watching series with Khun, Porchay returned to his room. He took a shower again and dressed up. He was wearing a simple black full sleeve t-shirt with black jeans. He tucked in the tee and put on a leather jacket on top. He was wearing his favourite earrings and rings. There was one necklace he always wore. The one given by someone special. But today his guts didn’t allow him to wear it. Even though he felt empty without it, but his guts is never wrong.

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