Chapter:14 -A second chance

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Porchay's POV:

I woke up in the morning and beside me was the most gorgeous man I have ever met, hugging me in his arms. This is the second morning I woke up in his bed. My heart instantly felt content and at peace.

As I try to snuggle out of his embrace, a pain rushed through my entire body and whatever happened the previous night came flashing back to me. His sexy face, our bodies becoming one, his raspy voice and all those dirty moans. Everything was ringing in my ears and my face immediately heated up.

Putting aside the pain, I slowly pulled his hand from my waist and tried to get up. He even cleaned me up and dressed me in his clothes. Mmm they smelled so good just like him. But no pajamas? I put my feet on the floor but immediately landed on it as I tried standing.


I hissed in pain. This made Kim wake up and he immediately stood up and came to me. But instead of helping me, he just stood there with a smirk on his face looking down. I followed his gaze and holy fuck I was covered in lovebites and my nipples were out due to the oversized shirt. I quickly adjusted the shirt and pulled it down covering my thighs. What a jerk.

"Can you atleast help me?"

"Oh I'm sorry. Come here."

Kim took me bridal style and his eyes were gleaming. He must have been very proud of his artwork. Jerk.

"I can walk. Put me down."

"Are you sure? Your legs don't have strength in them."

"And whose fault is this?"

I punched him a little in his bear chest and he laughed real hard. I was starting to get a little upset until he put a small kiss on my nose.

"Okhay okhay I'm sorry. Do you wanna go to the bathroom?"

I just nodded and he took me to the bathroom and placed me on the countertop. He handed me the brush and took his own. Everything felt so new. These emotions,these times we sent together, his smile, his gentle touches. It's as if we are a real couple.

"Do you wanna shower?"


"Want me to help you?"

He smirked with his raised eyebrow.

"No thank you.

" Sure about that? I can help you with the soap coz I'm sure you are sore all over."

"Phiii get out."

He just laughed and went outside after rubbing my cheeks a little.

I stood down fron the counter and damn right I was sore. I couldn’t even walk properly.Somehow I managed to get in the shower letting the cold water run through my body and that felt like heaven. I washed myself and I couldn’t beleive this guy left marks all over me.

"You know there's no point in trying to look for them."

I turned around in surprise and....

"What the fuck. What at you doing here?"

I threw the towel at his face along with some bottles. Who knows what they were of. But one landed on his eyebrow and Kim hissed in pain. I ran to him to check on him quickly.

"Phi I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to..."

He sprung me around holding my waist pulling me close to his chest. I could feel my naked body rubbing against his clothes.

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