Chapter : 25 - The Pain

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Porchay's POV:

As I ran to my brother, I saw that woman shoot him in the left arm and right knee. Phi was way too shocked to react to it all. I ran towards him and grabbed him before he fell to the ground. No child would ever want their mother trying to kill them. But ours lucks are way worse than anyone.. Our own mother had planned to wipe our entire existence for her selfish desires..She never loved Phi who had loved her, his entire life..

We were separated from the rest and it was only me, phi and that bitch at the end of the large hallway.

"Why, Ma why?"

Phi was trembling, tears forming in his eyes and his voice broke. But the woman just laughed in return. She fired an open round attracting her mens attention and soon we were surrounded by them. They were aiming their guns at us and one wrong move would have cost our lives. Phi was loosing a lot of blood and I had to remove him to a safer place.

"Don't you understand, you stupid boy? I never loved anyone of you, not even your idiot father. I got married and just gave birth to you two so that you could make me the master of all these one day. "

That bitch. She's going to die in my hands.

"But look at you. Both of you are useless fools. Chasing after some men and forgetting the bigger picture. Now, you are of no use to me. So die."

She and her men unlocked the gun and was about to shoot when P'Kin and his bodyguards started shooting from a distance and ran towards us. P'Kin shot right on her hand which caused her to drop to the gun as she fell to the ground in pain. Her men were also taken down very quickly.

Phi was in a state of shock and he was loosing blood. P'Kin quickly came and hugged phi and he broke into tears. I signed the bodyguards to clear the area and lead both the phi's at a safe place. I needed to protect them. I couldn’t loose anyone today.

As the path was cleared and they were finally at a distance, I was attacked my  some of the main strongest bodyguards of the Russian fanily.  I was too busy defending myself and killing them, to notice that someone was aiming at me behind my back. I shot those men down and at the same time there were three rounds shot at my back.

I turned around and saw Kim right behind me, covering me with his own body. He was hit and all I could see was blood coming out of his mouth and tears forming in his eyes. My world blacked out as Kim's lifeless body fell on me and he gave me a faint smile till he passed out.

My whole world collapsed. can't leave me. Please wake up.

I cried and begged him to open his eyes but he just laid there in my arms without any response. Everyone was shouting Kim's name and was running to us. But nothing mattered anymore. My life didn’t matter. I can't live without him. A world without Kim was unimaginable. Yes I need to be with him. He's the major factor for whatever I have ever done and continued on living..And if he is leaving me, no matter what  I'll follow him. Even in death we will be together, just like he promised.

I picked up the gun from the floor and placed it right infront of my heart. The world had stopped. There was no meaning to it left.There was no voice, no consciousness, nothing inside of me. Except his sweet voice calling me to go to him.

But as I was pulling the trigger, a laughter came to my ears. A woman laughing from a distance. It was the laugh of a maniac, a crazy and defiled person.

"Yes kill yourself. You deserve to die. I killed your beloved family. Now join him in hell."

Those words rang in my ears like sirens and I looked up to that woman. She had finally gone crazy and it was time for her to die. I walked towards her holding the gun in my hand, looking at her with pure digust. Fear engulfed her face as she was at my gunpoint. She screamed for help and yet no one there to savw him..No one could.

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