Chapter:10 -The party

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Seeing Kim all alone did surprise me all a bit. Phi'Kin went and talked to him. While Phi'Khun completely ignored him. He came straight  to me and started complementing my outfit and took me to see his new games.

I was following Khun around but my eyes never left his. He was also staring at me the entire time. But this time I couldn’t complain. Something tells me he's not okhay. His eyes which are always dark and mysterious were different today. Kim looked like the Phi'Kim I had once fallen in love with.

Soon Phi'Vegas joined Kim and they started taking. Kim seemed okhay and he even smiled at Phi'Vegas.

"Wow. They became close to each other." I muttered to myself.

"Who?" Khun asked me. But I just shook my head and told him that I was rambling.

Phi'Kin raised a toast in my honor as everyone settled down the dinner table. I was really happy that my brother-in-law was such a kind person. I'm so glad for my brother.He's lucky to have Phi'Kin. But I can't actually say the same as my brother. Well cause he gets a bit out of hand now and then.

The dinner was kept short. The food was nice though. Me and Mac sat together and we were chatting the whole time. Until he actually blurted out,

"Well how is your new boyfriend? "


I shuttered and everyone's eyes were now on me. The fuck what this stupid guy taking about. I looked at my brother who had his mouth hanging low in surprise. And Phi'Khun jumped out of excitement.

"OMG. Who is it baby?Who's the lucky one?"

"No one. Phi I don’t ha...."

I was cut of by Macau and that idiot kept on talking shit.

"Let me tell you Phi. You already know him."

"Really....Ai you little brat tell me...I'm dying here."

"It's none other than Phi'Jeff. Those two were together the entire time today. And Chay was laughing and blushing the entire time."

As I listened to all these nonsense, my eyes shifted to Kim who was sitting quietly keeping his head low. I wonder what he was thinking. Or maybe he's just irritated by this boring topic.

Everything and everyone began listening to Macau's gossip. Even my brother and Phi'Pete joined this idiotic conversation.  I looked at the other side of the table and Kim wasn’t there. I looked around a bit and he was at the bar again. Everyone was way too busy to even notice him.

Phi'Kin and Phi'Vegas excused themselves right when the gossip started as they had business to take care of. No one seemed to care about Kim. He took the whole bottle of rum and stumbling as he went upstairs. He was already drunk.

Unknowingly I followed him. He went inside his room and I was relieved a bit. But as I was leaving, there was a loud sound of something breaking from his room. I quickly went inside and saw Kim laying on the floor, shaking uncontrollably.  There was glass all over the floor and his hands were cut from those.

I frooze and couldn’t react to what was happening infront of me. Until someone pushed to me to the side. It was Phi'Thankun

Thankun's POV:

Kim coming to tonight's party was really suspicious. Even though we hadn’t talked in like 4 years, he was still my litlle brother. But today he looked like the old broken Kim. So I just let him be.

When I saw Porchay leave the crowd and go upstairs following Kim, I had my doubts. So I distracted Porsche and Pete and with the bathroom excuse, went upstairs.

But there it was. Again. Kim had his panic attacks hearing about Chay's new boyfriend. Gosh this boy never learns. Who will tell him that Chay can never love anyone else ever just like him.


I pushed Chay from the front and went to Kim. I gently put him on the bed and took his medicines from his drawer. Atleast Big was sensible enough to keep his medicines everything, including all his cars.

"Hold him for a bit. I need to get the first aid."

I knew what my brother needed the most at the moment. And even if its just for now, I hope Chay stayed with him.

I cleaned te glass shards from Kim's hand as Chay was hugging him tightly. I bandaged him but he was still shaking. His eyes were all red and even though they were open, his mind was nowhere near this place.

"The medicines aren’t working this time."

"This time?Phi those medicines are..."

"Yes. These are for extreme depression and anxiety. "

"But why? When?"

Porchay couldn’t process everything that was happening and fear was evident in his eyes and voice. But it wasn’t my place to tell him.

"My brother really loves you. He's stubborn and stupid. But the only person he ever cared about truly was you Porchay. So as your Phi I request you to stay with him even for if its only for tonight."

Chay simply nodded and I left the room. These little idiots really need to figure out their feelings soon. Or I'll actually kidnap and get them married.

Oh well my role here is done. Let me go and enjoy my glam time. But how can I when my sexy boyfriend was leaning against the pillar and looking so sexy.

"Where were you baby?"

"You..... don't baby me. You didn’t come see me once..... I hate you."

"Aww my darling I'm sorry. Please don't be mad naa. Daddy was busy."

"Then let daddy pay with his body."

NOTE: Now who is this boyfriend of Thankun?🤔🤔 I wonder
Author:Wow now I know why the other writers are so tired after writing chapters. 3 chapters in a day was really something.  I'm so tired. But its all worth it if you guys like it😚😚Enjoy reading🥰🥰 Love Ara❤️❤️

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