Chapter:20- The Plan(2)

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Kim's POV:

"Fuck..we are trapped."

But before we could react, the room was filled up gas and all three of us fainted. When I regained my consciousness, we were tied to poles on three corners of a dark room. The walls were made of steal and there was blood stench all over. Kin and Vegas were trying all their tricks to get out of the handcuffs but these were specially made ones. There's no way we could break free out of these.

How did we get here? How the fuck did our perfect plan be ruined? Who the fuck was the mole?


Porchay and the other members of the family had left two days ago. They were happy and satisfied with their trip as they were completely ignorant of our plan. It was finally the day we execute the mission and set things right. The security of the entire family is now in our hands. We cannot effort to mess up.

I check the plan layout one last time and the position of our men. Big was ready with my best fighters and the other bodyguards were also here. The escape plan was also prepared for everyone and the instructions were all clear. If anything goes wrong, abort the mission with or without us three leaders.

It was 10 p.m. at night and it was time to move out. It was a rainy night with thunderstroms, which made everything a lot more difficult. Tenshi would head out of her hotel anytime soon and my man was ready to follow and locate her.

As we waited for the signal, the bodyguards checked everything one last time and the message came. The location of the place Tenshi was at was finally known. It was at the west of Bnagkok where all the mice resides.

"Let's do this. Do or die."

Kin said through our earpiece.

"Let's do but not die. Our wives will kill us."

Vegas added.

"Yah mine too. So let's just come back safe."

I had to brag about my baby lover too. No one knows how scary and dominant Chay can be when he's angry. Even a lion is scared of his angry wife.

We all had a good laugh at our thoughts and we finally headed out on our route. All the cars followed three different paths to avoid suspicion. We were divided into three groups and the plan was to surround them from all three sides. That part was carried out accordingly and according to our informant it was time to enter the building.

Vegas led the men from the left side while I went from the back. Kin, as the leader of the family had the responsibility to confront Tenshi upfront and keep her distracted until her bodyguards were cleared out. We entered the building and were attacked by the puny underground dogs. They were real easy to wipe up, but some of our bodyguards were injuired. As we entered deeper and deeper into the building, me and Vegas united in the hallway. The ground and the first floor was secured. Kin and his men were already on the third floor fighting the japanese bodyguards.

The more we started going up, the more skilled men came our way and me and Vegas were seperated from our men. The signal of our earpieces were jammed and there was no way to contact our men or know what was going on. So we kept on going until we heard a blast coming from the fifth floor. We headed towards the place while killing more and more men, skilled and stronger than the previous ones.

Upon reaching the fifth floor, me and Vegas came acroos a Kin lying on the floor unconscious. All his men were killed and his main bodyguard Ken was also dead. We rushed towards him and luckily he was still breathing. He only fainted due to the head injuring.

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