Chapter:22-The past(2)

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Kim's POV:

The night was coming to an end.The person I was chasing was no one other than my lover. But he didn’t have any idea that I already knew. I have known for quite some time now, since the day of the club incident.

As the rain got stronger, I caught onto him and Chay started struggling out of my grib and hitting me, trying to escape. No one has ever escaped from my hold but he managed to break free within seconds. Damn he was strong than any average fighter. He must have trained so hard for being this good.

But as he broke off my hold and was about to jump from the fifth floor's balcony, I had to stop him..It's dangerous and no way I will let my lover do anything harmful, no matter how angry I was. Yes, I am very angry with him and this whole situation. This stupid plan of mine to bring Porchay out of the shadows, made me put a lot of lives at stake.

"Porchay... Stop...It's dangerous."

Porchay frooze at that moment in shock.He couldn’t exoect for me to know, it was him under that mask. I took the opportunity and pulled him away from the balcony and locked our handcuffs together. There was no place for him to run anymore.So I lifted him up on my shoulder and took him straight to my car as he tried to break free from my arms.

"Kim, let me go."

Porchay was wiggling his arms and legs and tried to get down. I couldn’t possibly let him run away. I pushed him in the passengers seat and myself got into the drivers seat and drove off.

"Shut up...Not a single word Porchay..Not a single word."

I knew Chay was submissive to me and no matter who he can dominate or control , he will always be dominated by me.

I took him straight to my house and locked us in my room. There was moments of silence as I freed him from the handcuffs. Although, my lover was quite fiesty. As soon as he was free from the cuffs, he pushed me away and   ran to the door. But I had already locked it.

"It's useless. The only way you can get out of his this room is when I let you out."

It's true. No one could access my room without my fingerprint and retina scan when it was locked.

"Let me go Kim."

"Not until you answer my questions Porchay or may I say The Bishop."

Porchay's eyes widened a littled and he shifted his shoulders. He was getting  nervous but remained strong and straightforward.


"Not really. I knew sooner or later you will figure it out."

Chay answered confidently, looking straight in my eyes. The fear and nervousness was all gone and his eyes shone with sparkles. Sparkles of confidence and pride.

"But how and when, Kim? I had made sure you couldn’t know too early."

"This will be the last time in this night I'll be answering your questions. It will be your turn to speak after I finished. Upon returning from the club that night, after our steamy makeout session, when I put to sleep right here, on this bed, I saw your tattoo ♗ which you tried to cover so perfectly, but failed. And my doubts were confirmed when Big called and informed that you are the guy I was looking for. I also found that Thankun had been frequently going to visit you in the last two years. And by connecting the dots, everything make sense."

" Indeed very smart Kim...I always knew I couldn’t hide this from you for long. But I'm a bit sad...You found me out so easily."

"My turn.. Tell me the truth... why Porchay?"

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