Special Chapter:3-A Date

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Porchay's POV:

It been already three months since I told Kim to get married..But what's this guy upto? What's that hint not enough? Why isn't he doing anything?  Or should I propose? Maybe I should..

I can't wait to call this man my husband. This wait is making me so fucking crazy that if I could I would have already just dragged us to a court and signed our marriage..I wanna be his wife so bad.

I was lost in my thoughts and let out a long sigh..I didn't even remember that I wasn't alone in my study. P'Khun was here. Vic and P'Khun came to visit me after as we didn't meet much after by brother's wedding..I still can't believe my brother and P'Kin decided to move to the states. All the family members are now scattered around the world and certainly our family is the most powerful mafia family at present.

"What's wrong Chay?"

"Nothing P'Khun...I'm just exhausted."

Phi got up from his chair and came to give me a hug. I am so grateful to him for so many reasons. Not in my dreams I could have imagined I would place a second person in my brother's position. But I'm so glad I found P'Khun. He's the best.

"Aww my poor baby...I know you have been tired from all these pressure..I wish I could stay with you and help you."

I snuggled more into his hug and smiled. He truly cares for everyone one of us..And a little bit more for me..Hehe..

"It's okhay Phi..I can handle it..You also have your duties as the official second master of the Japanese family."

"Don't even remind me of that...It's so boring and soooo irritating."

Phi rolled his eyes and threw his hands in the air with frustration. It's true... Thankun Therapanyakul is now officially Khun Thankun T. Hayashi..The head of the Japanese mafia family.

"Well you should have thought about it before you got married to Vic three years ago."

Now that's the most shocking part..Phi and Victor got married even before any of these dramas happened and they hid it so well..Everyone was shocked when they heard about it and I swear I would have killed Victor if he wasn't my best friend and brother-in-law.

"Yah right..If I had thought about it back then.."

"Then what love?"

Victor entered the room and Phi went and wrapped his arms around Vic's waist.

"I would still happily marry you."

"Mmm...is that so? Maybe daddy needs to discipline you."

Aish..these two were at it again..Why can't they be lovey dovey somewhere else? Why always in front of me? These two are so sweet and look at me...My partner hasn't even called me once..let alone think about settling down and thinking of our future.

"Ahem..I'm still here..remember? And Phi..That's not fair..How could you hide your marriage from me all these years?"

I acted all pouty and angry. But I was really happy for them. These two deserve all the happiness in the world.

"I'm sorry baby..So much was going on at that time..I couldn't just bring it up..So we decided to hide it."

"Btw...speaking of marriage, where's Kim? Shouldn't he be proposing you already? "

This freaking idiot best friend of mine..Why does he always have to add fuels to my burning flames!! I'm so gonna kick his ass up.

"That's right Chay...Where's that idiot brother of mine? Wasn't he supposed to return yesterday?"

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