Chapter-23: The Rescue(1)

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Author's POV:

After receiving the message, Porchay and Kim rushed to the minor family where everyone was. They came across a Kin, who was going furious and bursting with anger. Pete, who was over the phone talking to Vegas, was crying and almost loosing all of his strength. There was anger burning in Vegas's eyes as he listened to his husband's crying voice and any moment he would have exploded.

Everyone was scattered and disloacted. The situation had turned from bad to being worst. Porchay went and hugged Kin in order to calm him down. He was also just as much afraid as the rest was. Infact he was much more scared. Because only Porchay knew what the Russian family was capable of doing. He knew everything the leader was had done in the past and how bad this fight would turn out to be..He also knew that Porsche and Macau had to be rescused within  24 hours or there will be consequences which they are not or will never be ready to face.

"So what's the plan?How are we gonna save them?"

Thankun asked basically indicating to Porchay which no one could understand . Thankun was Chay's partner from the beginning and he knew only Chay could rescue the two in proper time and without any casualties.

"I'll shoot them right in their fucking guts and those motherfucking leaders, they are gonna suffer. A single scrath on my brother and I'll burn the entire city."

Vegas screamed at the top of his lungs and shot two open rounds in the air..Finally his patience which ran on the thinnest line had broken.

"Let's do it...Let's attack them upfront and tear them apart. Porsche and Macau are waiting for us."

Kin had also lost his sense of rationality. He was also ready to risk it all just to save his family.

"Stop both of you...Half of our men are already injuired here and the rest are in the hospital in Korea.We cannot make any wrong moves."

Kim stopped both the brothers who were already setting their not so fool proof plans in their heads.

"Kim is right...We have to keep our heads cool and plan this out..This is a trap and we cannot affort to go right into it."

Thankun added trying to calm everyone down. But that went in vain as Kin and Vegas growled in anger.

"So what should we do? Sit here and wait for the right time?"

"Fuck you guys...I'll save my brother myself."

"Calm down Vegas...please...If you rush things my baby and Porsche will be in much more danger...Please Vegas...please save my baby...bring him to me safe."

Pete, who was on the other side of the call tried to calm his husand down..He was the only one who could calm Vegas down and think in a more sensible way.

Everything was going right infront of Porchay's eyes. But he just stood a bit far from the rest of the members as they argued with one another. He was setting his own plan, the perfect one and had already told his men to prepare everything to execute it without any fail.

"Shut up..everyone...just shut up."

Porchay screamed at the top of his voice resulting in everyone looking at him.

"Can you all grown up men for once think with your brains? Stop fighting the only few number of people you can trust in this family?"

"What do you mean?"

Kin asked confused because of both the statement and the tone of Chay's voice. It was not the regular soft and innocent tone the boy had always to them with. It was more like the head or the leader of the family.. Porchay's voice holded the power and everyone was suppressed by it.

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