Chapter:15- New Dilemma

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Author's POV:

After arriving at the main house mansion, Porchay quickly got off and went straight to his room avoiding anyone. Though some bodyguard did see him and gave an eye for the way he was sneaking around. But no one would dared to question the young master of the family.

Kim on the other hand went straight to Kin's office where he was greeted by Porsce and Kin . Kim was planning  to avoid Porsche for a while but that went in vain. Kim greeted them and Porsche excused the two brothers.

"How have you been Kim?"

"I'm fine. I see you have been good too."

"Ofcourse. Life of an engaged man is much peaceful and happy."


"Well I do see you have been very well too."

Kin said in a teasing manner eyeing Kim from top to bottom.

"What does that mean?"

"Look in the mirror by your side."

Kim turned to the mirror and his jacket had moved exposing his neck, showing all the scratches and bite marks from last night. He stared at those and unconsciously touching  them.

"Mm my brother has a lover who is this wild. And more importantly you didn’t introduce them to the family."

Kim quickly adjusted his jacket and composed himself with a tiny smile on his face.

"Not a lover....Yet...But I'm pursuing him."

"Wow. Someone didn't give attention to you? That person must be really cool. Or did you loose your charm?"

"I'm still young and people still go crazy over me. Unlike you old brother who's only charming my sister-in-law."

"Did you just call me old?"

But Kim didn’t reply and just walked around the office.

"Anyways,what is he like?"

"Sweet, kind, innocent, warm and an angel with a gun."

Kim giggled a bit at his own words. While Kin was totally surprised. He could never have imagined that his younger brother who never shows any emotion could have sparkles in his eyes while talking about someone. It's miraculous. Kin was really thankful to that person who could bring out emotions from this cold- hearted person.

"Anyways can we come back to the real discussion?"

"Hmm. So what did you find out about the fire at the godowns?"

"Well apparently the Italians were shipping drugs to some leader in Russia. But that's not all. There were young boys in one of those containers who were being trafficked as sex slaves. Now here comes the interesting part. Someone named "THE BISHOP" caused all these ruckus. But we don't know anything about him or them yet. And that grou took the boys with them somewhere."

" So we don't know nothing about this anynomous group? Nothing from the CCTV cameras?"

"Nothing. All the recordings were deleted including the backups. We have nothing on them."

"Keep digging. We need to know whether we have a new friend or a new enemy."

"And if a new enemy?"

"Kill the main leaders and the members will run like mice."

"Maybe their leader is a wolf in disguise of a cat. And the members are cubs in form of kittens."

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