Special Chapter:4-Wedding( Forever)

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Porchay's POV:

" A surprise is waiting for you at home, my love."

I asked in confusion. I was really not getting what was going on inside Kim's head. He just returned from thai and now he's taking me there. Is something wrong?

"What surprise? And why in Thailand?"

"Patience baby..The surprise won't be a surprise if I tell you, right?"

"But we are dirty and I haven't even packed."

"Packing has been taken care of. And we can clean up in the plane."

We arrived at the airport and surprisingly everything was prepared. The bodyguards accompanied us and we went on board. I didn't ask Kim anything amd decided to stay quite until he tells me what's going on. We both cleaned up on the plane and I hitted the bed within minutes. I was already tired from our session and I had no energy to think about Kim's surprise.

We landed in Thailand and Kim took me to his house. Weird..Everytime we come back home, we always stay in the main  or minor family mansion. Something is definitely going on and I just hope it's nothing bad. 

"Baby...let's get some rest and we will head out for lunch later."

"Okhay. But let's take a shower first ."

"As you wish, my love."

We followed our plan and ordered lunch. After lunch Kim told me to get ready and I did as he told. Kim brought out his old bike and we went for a ride. But the road was familiar. It was the road to his university. And I was right...He did take me there..Kim parked his bike and we around the uni until we stood in front of a building. The place which had our memories, the place where we fell in love and also broke apart.

"Kim..This is...this place.."

I was really surprised as the music room still remained. I heard  from Macau that it was supposed  to be taken down years ago.

"Yes my love...This is the place everything began."

"But wasn't this supposed to be taken down?"

"Well not under my watch. I bought the land and signed the papers two days ago. The head man was so damn irritating. But this music room has all our memories. How could I simply let this be taken down?"

"Thank you Kim...Thank you for saving our memories and this room."

I was already in tears and hugged him. My emotions had no boundaries. How stupid I was for being angry with my man when he was busy securing our place of  love.

"It's yours from now on love."

"It's ours."

I snuggled more into his arms .

"Can you stop making me fall in love with you everyday? It's getting addictive."

"Nope..I'll make you go crazy in love..Oh and yes..I have something for you."

Kim pulled out from the hug and walked to a corner. I also followed him. He picked up a guitar box and no way in hell I would forget who's guitar it was. It was Kim's first gift to me and it was so dear to me. I loved it so much.


He handed it over to me.

"The guitar? You still have it?"

"How could I throw it away? I could never discard anything related to you."

I couldn't hold back my tears. Gosh..this guy is making me cry so much today. 

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