Special Chapter:1- Coronation

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Note:  This chapter contains mature contents🔞🔞🔞🔞🔞 Please avoid reading if you are uncomfortable 🚩
But I know you naughty people are gonna read it anyways😚

Porchay's POV:

Everything was slowly falling into place..My goals were almost done and Kim was also out of the hospital and all healthy and fit...The only thing that is left was me taking the power and officially introduce myself to the other leaders...And this is supposed to be today...

Everyone was super busy with the preparations and it was almost time for the party to begin..My whole family was present there and also Barcode and Jeff were also here supporting me..To be honest, I was a little nervous but P'Khun made all of us dance what he called victory dance and I laughed my ass off..

My lover was also with me the entire time. We did decide to keep our relation low key for a few months until the new challenges are over..But I'm sure everyone's gonna find out real soon...This guy has been way too clingy lately and not to mention possesive..

I got ready in my white tuxedo and through the mirror, I looked at my man..There he was standing by the door in his all black suit and no shirt inside, with his hair all styled...Ah..Does he have to look so hot? Everyone’s gonna eat him alive with their eyes.

"You look really sexy, baby.."

"You look handsome too..Who are you looking this good for?"

"My wife ofcourse."

"Comeon we will be late..Everyone’s waiting."

And with that we went downstairs and I was officially introduced to as the new leader...My brothers congratulated me and the others also came up to talk and greet me..Only time will tell how many of them were loyal..But anyways..

After some time a man approached me and extended his hands..I knew he was from a wealthy family and was well known as a fuckboy...He was looking at me with his nasty eyes and his touch also had different intentions..I was gonna remove my hand when he held onto it tighter.. I looked around and Kim was looking straight at me when a lady approached and touched his open chest..How dare she and the others even look at my man..

The woman was trying to seduce and get closer to Kim..He was ofcourse trying to push her away and not create a scene...I brushed the man's hand off and gave him my warning look and went to Kim.

"Excuse me..miss."

"Oh my..Khun Porchay..How wonderful to finally meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you too..I hope you like the party..But can I have my man back?"

"Oh my..I'm really sorry..I didn’t realise the most men in this room were together...You have my best wishes."

"Thank you."

With that the woman left and Kim dragged me to the hallway and slammed me against the wall...He was rubbing his body against me and breathing near my earlobe.

"Fuck baby..you look so damn hot today."

"Well look at you... Men and women have been eating you alive during the whole function...There..look..that woman was staring at you as if she was ready to strip any moment."

"But the only person I want to see stripping right now is you."

"Yah..dream on."

I turned around and was walking away when Kim sprung me around, pushing me to the wall again,with my back facing him.  He put his hands underneath my shirt was touching all my sensitive spots,playing and licking my earlobes...fuck, this guy can make me so weak infront of him..

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