Chapter-19: The Plan

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Author's POV

Kim was gone for almost two days. And he returned back to Bangkok just before the meeting with Kin and Vegas. The two brothers had arrived at their brother's house just on time. This mission was the biggest they will be having in years. They cannot afford to mess this up.

Kim's house was always foreign to almost everyone. No one from neither families were ever allowed there. Well of course except Big who was his bodyguard and Vegas who barged his way in.

"Huh!! This place never really changes."

"Wait.. You have been here before?"

"How come you visited my brother's house and I was never allowed?"

"Maybe because you are not worthy enough."

"Ai Vegas!!"

"Can you both shut the fuck up and sit down?"

Kim came out of his room with his hair wet and a pissed face.

"Did you come back just now?"

"Where were you?"


Kim wasn't going to answer no matter what. And Kin knew it. So he just rolled his eyes back and shook his head in disappointment.

"So what's the plan?"

Vegas interrupted.

"I don't have all day to waste."

"Yah. Let's get on with it Kim."

" Galdly. I have all the information about their hotels, meetings and movements."

"The men of the minor family are ready. I have got my best and most trusted people on this."

"And Kin?"

"Yes..yes..I have already arranged for the weapons and snippers. All the family members are taken care off. They will be send out of the country tomorrow and Thankun is handling it."

"Everyone agreed?"


"They had no choice..okhay...Your crazy brother.. Oh I can't even say it without laughing."

"Leave it. I don't wanna hear it."

" should..Ai Kin tell him."

Vegas couldn't stop laughing his guts off and Kin was also giggling. But Kim was really not in the mood for any amusement at the moment. The piece of information he had got, already put him in a state of shock and the mission was far more important.


"Hi Pete. You guys are here?"

"Yes Khun Noo. How can we not come? We missed you a lot."

"Oh my child. Come here."

Thankun pulled Pete and baby Paris in his arms almost making both of them out of breathe until Porsche interrupted.

"Hey Pete..Hi baby..How are you guys?"

"Hii Porsche..We are good."

"Where's your husband?"

"Oh.. He's picking Venice from school. They'll be here soon."

"Do you have any idea why Khun called all the wives together?"

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